Global Awareness

Global Awareness is where students expand and develop their appreciation for diversity, knowledge of other cultures, and individual differences. Last spring semester, I traveled abroad with Semester at Sea to eleven different countries. Almost every week, we docked in a new country, and I was able to immerse myself in the culture around me. Not only did I learn about a country through physical experiences and conversations with locals, but I also learned about cultures and religions during class on the ship. To further expand my knowledge on diversity and other cultures, next fall semester, I hope to obtain a Diversity, Intercultural, and Community Engagement (DICE) certificate.

Original Inquiry

Original Inquiry is where students become more independent by either getting involved in research or completing creative inquiry projects. During my third year, I might get involved with research in the Neuroscience field or dental field.

Academic Enrichment

Academic Enrichment is where students challenge themselves in and outside the classroom. I’m majoring in Neuroscience and I’m also on the Pre-Dental track, so several of my classes are science based and higher level courses.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development is where students grow and advance their leadership skills that will prepare them for their future career. Last year, I was a Biological Sciences Scholars Mentor, and I hope to become one again in the upcoming year. Next year, I hope to become a fitness instructor for OSU and lead classes at the gyms on campus. Additionally, I would like to become a Red Cross Ambassador on campus.

Moonlight Canoeing

Moonlight canoeing was one of the best experiences I had during my first few months at Ohio State. We were able to watch a beautiful sunset while floating down the Olentangy River, and as the night went on, a full moon came into view. After reaching the half way point, we all gathered together in our canoes to play a game of two truths and one lie. Less than 20 people attended this scholar’s event, so by the end of trip, I was able to know a little more about everyone.