
Below are the courses that are included in the Buckeye Generation Learning Community program for Fall. These have not been confirmed and are subject to change.

Everyone is enrolled for the following 2 classes

History of Art 2001 – Western Art I: Ancient and Medieval Worlds

  • Examination of the history of Western Art from the third millennium BCE to the fifteenth century CE
  • Fulfills General Education requirements for the following:
    • Visual and Performing Arts
    • Historical Study
    • Diversity Global Studies


Arts & Sciences 1101 Lab

  • Offered in conjunction with EXP 1100.01. Students will build learning skills and study strategies while also engaging in leadership and team-building activities. Guest speakers will be invited into this unique course only for BGLC students to learn about important resources and support services on the Newark campus.
  • Credits: 1
  • Elective course required for all learning community students