Aug 8 – Guest Blog on Making Maps!

Hi Everyone!

This guest blog is a bit different, as the blog is on a different webpage, so you have to clickthrough to read it. I guarantee it is something cool, so it is worth clicking through to read more.

Read the guest blog about making maps and ArcGIS (a program to make maps) here:

We will use ArcGIS to make maps of our sample data and run various analyses on our bee and bycatch data.

Here is a really quick map of all of our sites of the kits that were turned in. We got pretty good coverage of Ohio once everything was turned in! Thanks Cheyenne for making this! And thanks to everyone who got their specimens turned in!

So if you are curious to learn more about cool map making and other uses, go to the storymaps blog linked above, or click through here:

Updates of the week:

Since we have a guest blog above, I am keeping it short. We had more students go through and pull out easy to identify species. That work is ongoing, but we have at least pulled out almost all of the male Calliopsis andreniformis. Plenty of work left for the other species though. Next week is the last major week for most students, so things will really slow down and then progress will mostly be MaLisa and the new graduate students in the lab. We are now up to almost 9,000 bees identified to at least genus and 5,200 identified to species.

The other update is that OSU is back to a mask mandate regardless of vaccination status thanks to the increased infectiveness of the Delta variant.

All for now,


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