Webinars, Workshops and Short Courses

Webinar recordings:

Pollinator Habitat 101: An Introduction and Refresher

Doug Tallamy, Harland Patch, Heather Holm,  Matthew Shepherd, Shana Byrd

Visit this page for recordings and resources.

Ask a Bumble Bee Community Science Survey Training

Instructors: Jenan El-Hifnawi and Sam Droege

Ask A Bumble Bee is a survey exploring which flowers bumble bees visit and which they don’t. Anyone with a smartphone can participate, even if you don’t know your bee IDs or floral IDs. No bee collecting involved.

Bumble Bee Short Course for Community Scientists: building skills of community scientists interested in bumble bee biodiversity, ecology and conservation

Jamie Strange, Tamara Smith, Randy Mitchell, Karen Goodell, Lincoln Best, Hollis Woodard, Jenan El-Hifnawi and Sam Droege

Visit this page for recordings and resources: http://go.osu.edu/bumbles

Seed Sharing and Seed Law with David Francis, The Ohio State University Department of Horticulture

Tending Nature: Native Plants and Every Gardener’s Role in Fostering Biodiversity

Mary Gardiner, Doug Tallamy, Lisa Olsen, Bryan Danforth, Heather Holm and Debra Knapke

Visit this page for recordings and resources.

Pollinators in the City Speaker Series, November 29 – December 3, 2021

Reed Johnson, Gerardo Camilo, Mary Gardiner, Scott MacIvor and Damon Hall

The Bee Short Course for Community Scientists: building skills of community scientists interested in wild bee conservation, May – November 2021

Jamie Strange, Randy Mitchell, Olivia Carril, Heather Holm, Sam Droege, Mary Gardiner and Matthew Shepherd

Introduction to Nature Journaling with John Muir Laws, 4/12/21

Welcome Spring! Authors Speaker Series, March 22 – 26, 2021

Doug Tallamy, Heather Holm, Bryan Danforth, Olivia Carril and Mary Gardiner

The Living Landscape Speaker Series, January and February 2021

Doug Tallamy, Marne Titchenell, Debra Knapke and Rick Darke

One Week (Virtual) Insect University 2020, webpage, Webinar Recordings and Resources

Jamie Strange, Heather Holm, Olivia Carril, Jennifer Thieme and Doug Tallamy

Webinar Recording Archive (2012 – 2018) including Handouts and Resources