How to keep motivated during troubling times.

Hey guys, I hope you’re all doing okay still during the COVID-19 panic.

I think one issue we are all having is to stay motivated, especially for exercise. Because let’s be honest, most of us didn’t want to work out before, and now we have an excuse not to. (I’m looking at you Niles.)  But it’s important to maintain our physical health, now more than ever really. Most of us aren’t going to be seriously injured from this virus. However, those around us very well could if we aren’t careful. If we keep up our physical health, that will keep our immune systems strong. Our Immune system being strong will help keep us from getting sick, which will help others not get sick. (So really it’s kinda your civic duty to get swole, as a good Samaritan.) Weight lifting exercises are a great way to do this, because muscle helps burn calories during times of inactivity. But if you don’t have any weights, don’t let that stop you! Cardio is great for cutting down fat and to burn calories quickly. Also, it generally just makes you feel better to go for a run (Because it releases endorphins and pumps Adrenalin.)

So in short, keep active guys! If not for you, for the people you care about and for those you want to keep from getting sick.

Also remember, it would be super cool if we all came out of quarantine looking like a heartthrob teen wolf from some cheesy romance novel (Of which I definitely didn’t read the entire series of and watch all the movies multiple times.),

Till next time guys! Stay healthy out there!

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