
Guest Speaker

It was mind boggling hearing Willie’s story. Growing up in an upper middle class family I never knew anyone who had to reuse water because it was too expensive. It was a truly inspiring story that he was able to work his way out of poverty. This shows that there is not equal opportunity in America. It really motivates me to do well in college knowing I have been given the opportunities to make it here.

Career offices

Tonight I learned a lot about not being afraid to get involved early in your college career. I did not initially think it was a big deal to register with your majors career office. It was also interesting to learn about the Appalachia area. I had no idea it was considered a minority. I liked hearing about all the programs Dr. Patty represented. It was also inspiring to hear about how these people came from my college with the same opportunities I have been blessed with. It really motivates me for the future and makes me want to get started early. One thing that Patrick said that really stuck with me was about how a big college like OSU has all the opportunities available but you have to find them because they wont come to you.

Community Engagement with an Internship

It is starting to become more clear to me how we can help the community through an internship. We are planning on getting a guest speaker to come in and discuss how to build a solid resume. This is a skill anyone can benefit from. Also it is always beneficial for the community to have more educated individuals. Most students need help in the transitional step of preparing to apply and that is what we are currently working towards.