Undergraduate Students
The Basso Laboratory accepts undergraduate student volunteers interested in gaining lab/research experience. Students will have the opportunity to work with both graduate students and lab personnel in lab experiments, lab upkeep and data analysis. Additionally, students have the opportunity to take on personal projects and present research at school research festivals. Writing a thesis, doing a thesis defense and graduating with research distinction are also opportunities that allow students to become more independent and also prepare for graduate school.
Graduate Students
The Basso Lab participates in the Neuroscience Graduate Program, the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Graduate program, MD/PhD dul degree program, biomedical science graduate program and the research specialization program. When enrolled in these programs, a rotation is available prior to officially joining the lab. Graduate students will have the assistance of both undergraduate volunteers and lab personnel.
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Individuals searching for a position as a post-doctoral fellow in either the neuroscience or rehabilitation science fields are encouraged to contact the Basso lab. There are exciting opportunities to run experiments and collaborate with experts in other fields. Working in the lab will expand your knowledge and abilities within the scientific communities which will aid in your present and future career. The Ohio State University is one of largest academic institutions in the nation. The University provides a diverse and multidisciplinary environment for cutting edge research.
Contact Us
If you are interested in one of the positions above, or have questions concerning other research/career opportunities within the lab, please contact us using the link below (right click and copy to get an email address to contact lab personnel).