Partners and CPAC Members

AWaRE trip to Scioto County. Meeting with community partners at Mound Park. Left to right: Daniel Ma, Dr. Jasper Waugh-Quasebarth, Dr. Matthew Hamilton, Dr. Cassie Patterson, Dr. Dave Todt, Dr. Natalie Hull, Jody Newton-McAllister, Martin McAllister, and Lisa Shahin (photographer).

We are working with partnering organizations who are helping us develop a community-centered approach to our research study and methods.

Project Advisor

Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange (LiKEN) | Lexington, Kentucky | AWaRE Partner

LiKEN is a link-tank for communities. The organization helps build capacity to grow good livelihoods based on local assets, to monitor community health and wealth to avoid boom and bust, and to take evidence-based action for future well-being based on deep understanding of the past.

  • Betsy Taylor, PhD | Executive Director
  • Mary Hufford, PhD | Associate Director


Community Partner

Friends of Scioto Brush Creek (FoSBC) | Otway, Ohio | AWaRE Partner

FoSBC is a non-profit organization whose mission is to maintain and improve the water quality of Scioto Brush Creek through education, awareness and involvement of local residents.

  • Jody Newton-McAllister | President
  • Martin McAllister | Board Member


Community Partner Advisory Committee (CPAC)

  • Dave Todt, PhD | Shawnee State University
  • Scott Lewis | Scioto Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Beverly Stringer | Appalachian Translational Research Network and Ohio State University Center for Clinical and Translational Science