Blog 4

Subjects: The subjects in this situation would be the passengers on the flight and flight crew. Also, the people that fly frequently with American Airlines could be subjects as well, meaning that this news could impact who they decide to fly with next time. In addition, the general public could also fit in this category because if the pilot actually ended up taking off he could have crashed the plane which would directly affect the public in damages or loss of life.

Crowd: The crowd for this situation would be the general public. The reason being they don’t have much power over the situation and when it comes to interest only those around the flight path would have high interest.

Players: The main player in this is the pilot. He had the most power over the situation and events leading up to it and he would also have high interest because his job is now on the line. The airline would also be in this category because the pilot represents them.

Context Setters: The airport would be the context setters because they have a lot of interest in the situation but don’t have the ability to “punish” the pilot for his actions.

Blog 4

Stakeholder Analysis:-



  •   Passenger Ani Jane
  •    Other Airlines


  • Delta Airlines





  • Other Passengers
Context Setters


  •  Gate Attendants & Ground Crew
  •    Social media users


Blog 4

Players: The biggest player here is Southwest Airlines. They have the highest interest in how customers see them and have the highest power in portraying themselves on social media. They used humor in hopes of drawing other social media users in to help share their message to new potential customers.

Context Setters: The context setters would be other social media and twitter users. They have the power to like and share the tweet so they have high power, but unless they are super dedicated customers they probably don’t have that high of an interest. Because the tweet uses humor they might be more likely to retweet and spread the message.

Subjects:The subjects would be Southwest customers and other airlines. Customers would see an ad for a sale like this that uses humor and might be more willing to check it out. They might have a higher interest towards the tweet because they are already a customer and a sale could mean that they might want to buy a ticket while the sale is still happening, but they don’t have the power to affect the sale. Other airlines might be interested to see the Southwest advertising methods and to see if it is successful but had no power to change Southwest’s tweets.

Crowd: The crowd is non-customers on social media who just happen to see the tweet. They don’t have an interest because they don’t use Southwest, and they don’t have power because they are not sharing the tweet and have no affect on the tweet itself.

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Players: United Airlines. They are the ones who care the most because they are the ones who are effected the most. If United keeps giving first class seats away to other people, it will deter other passengers away and to other airlines.

Context Setters: The Gate Attendant cares what happened because they had to deal with the situation and were left to try and figure out a solution. They don’t however have the power to move both passengers around. Only simply to give an untaken seat to the victim.

Subjects: Jean-Marie Simon the passenger who had her seat taken. She has the most interest in all of this with that expensive first class seat originally supposed to be hers but is there without any power to do anything. She was forced to take an economy seat that was untaken.

Crowd: People who don’t use United as well as the other airlines. The people don’t have to worry about losing their seat because they trust that their airline wouldn’t do that to them. The other airlines have enough faith in their own systems not to book another passengers seat. If anything it probably makes people chose their airline over United.

Blog 4

Players: Delta Airlines would be the players because they have the highest interest in how customers are feeling about them. Moreover, they have the most power to change or react to it.

Context Setters: Flight attendants, ground crews, pilots would be in this category, but with a higher interest because they were the ones who were actually communicating and making the service dog get off the plane. They probably have some interest, since it would be important for them to know if that decision was right or not.

Subjects: The disabled man and other passengers would be subjects because the disabled man was treated very poorly, and they all have high interest in how Delta Airlines is going to react to this. They may also have some power to make changes by posting claims on social media.

Crowd: The crowd would be other airlines, people who don’t use Delta Airlines and or people who don’t ride an airplane that often. It is because this post does not affect them much.

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Players: Southwest Airlines would be the players in this media post. This is because they have high interest in appealing to their customers and employees and they have the power to accommodate them with safety in mind.

Contect Setters: Employees of Southwest would be the context setters since they have more power by work with the passengers. They would have lower interest be because this is their job so they would have to be there if it’s cold or not.

Subjects: Passengers would have high interest if they need to get flight accommodations when their flight was affected. They have lower power because Southwest has the final say in who gets accommodated.

Crowd: Other airlines and people who don’t fly Southwest would not have a lot of power or interest because it is not directly affecting them.


Blog 4

If you are in the world of soccer, you have probably heard of Emiliano Sala and how he went missing on a flight over the English Channel. Sala was an Argentinean soccer player that player fro Nantes in France. He was about to make a switch to Cardiff City in England when his plane disappeared over the English channel at about 3:15 local time. The plane was later found, and unfortunately the two passengers, Sala included, did not survive. When looking at the stakeholder analysis for a situation like this, there are very few people who could have both power and interest in the flight.  This means the only “players” would be the pilot and Sala, as no outside source had the power to control the plane or change the course of the flight. In the “subjects” box, there would be both soccer clubs, Cardiff City and Nantes, as one was buying the player and one was selling him. Nantes would have received over 10 million euros for selling him and Cardiff would have received a player they coveted.  Other “subjects” would be the fans for each club and the family of Sala as each would have wanted him to stay alive and the fans would have loved to see him play for his club. There wouldn’t be any “context setters” in this situation as nobody wouldn’t be interested in this situation while still holding power in it, as only Sala and the Pilot held power in this situation. Finally, the “crowd” would be people that don’t watch soccer and soccer fans of other teams, who might be sad to see him pass but really don’t have much interest in it. Neither of these groups would have any power in this situation. This media was shared all of the world via twitter, Instagram and multiple news outlets like ESPN and CBS. I found this on twitter, but heard about it in multiple other ways.


Blog four

On February 14, Emirates Airline announced a restructured order with Airbus. They ordered 40 A330-900neo and 30 A350-900 and reduced their A380 order to receive 14 more. This is simultaneous with Airbus announcing the end the A380 production by 2021. The players in this decision are Emirates executives and Airbus executives. They analyze and project the passenger movements, maintenance costs, and fuel costs in addition to the cost of the aircraft to come to a deal. Emirates and Airbus made the deal to effectively close the A380 assembly line and introduce different Airbus aircraft into the fleet. The engine manufacturers are also players since they come up with separate contracts with Emirates. The subjects are passengers who care about the aircraft they fly on. The A380 itself is a marketing tool for Emirates. Passengers care a lot but have no say in the type of aircraft ordered. Another subject are the airports served by Emirates. They have special gates, equipment and staff to service certain aircraft, so they care about future service but have no say in the fleet changes. The flight crew is also included in subjects because they go through extensive training for the aircraft that Emirates assigns them. The context setter is the aviation authority of United Arab Emirates and the Government of Dubai. There are many accusations that the government essentially funds Emirates Airline through fuel subsidies, airport user charge, local tax and many more ways. Airlines such as Air France and Qantas and the US government have made claims. If this is the case, the government of Dubai has voice in the aircraft selection since it will be funding it directly or indirectly. They have lower interest than subjects and players, but it is relatively high in the context setter’s category. The crowd is the public including people who don’t fly and lower level airport employees. Most of the public couldn’t care less who flies what planes. Airport employees who service the aircraft do the job they are assigned to and the aircraft type doesn’t matter. Both entities don’t have a voice in the aircraft selection.


Blog Four

Players: The Players would be the Airbus and American Airlines. The reason why Airbus would be a player is that they supplied American Airlines with this aircraft and they have the power to stop giving American Airlines this aircraft as well as allowing American Airlines to test their aircraft. American Airlines is a player is because they have the power to not use this aircraft but this also allows them to use this aircraft for a flight that they weren’t able to go to before.

Context Setters: Pilots, flight attendants, and ground crew would classify as context because they could say that the aircraft takes a lot of maintenance and would be hard to operate. These people can tell American Airlines this and it could make the aircraft leave the American Airlines air fleet.

Subjects: The subject, in this case, would be the customers because this will allow them to see if it will open new routes for people to travel on.

Crowd: The crowd would be other airlines as well as other aircraft manufacturers. A reason why other airlines would be a crowd is that it will allow them to see if this aircraft can even work for them as well as see with their competition is up to. Also, this can be said on the same point of view as the other aircraft manufacturers to see if there is a market for this type of aircraft.

Blog 4

Players: In this scenario Delta Air Lines, Bombardier, and Airbus would be the players as the Bombardier and Airbus are responsible for the production of the A220 while Delta is the customer consuming Bombardier/Airbus’s product.

Context Setters: Flight attendants and pilots would be the context setter because they have a great influence of the overall customer experience and whether or not that consumer will fly with that particular airline again.

Subjects: The subjects would be the customers aboard flying on the aircraft.

Crowd: The crowd would be other airlines because they could have an eventual interest in purchasing their own fleet of A220’s when they realize that it’s the most fuel efficient and advanced aircraft in its class.