Upcoming Events!!

Since there are so many amazing events occurring this Thursday, and our official meeting is with SPS on Tuesday, we have postponed our game night. Instead, we encourage you to attend one, or all, of these events happening.

  • The Astronomy Colloquium is at 3:00 pm on Thursday featuring Pauline Barmby from Western University. She’ll be talking about nearby galaxies and their X-ray binaries. Her talk will describe recent studies of X-ray binaries in several nearby galaxies and what they tell us about dynamical interactions, stellar populations, galactic structure, and the physical processes occurring in compact objects. The webpage for the talk is https://astronomy.osu.edu/events/astronomy-colloquium-pauline-barmby.
  • Later, Astro Society has been invited to join the Interdisciplinary Resource for Innovative Students (IRIS) workshop at 6 pm that is looking at taking the idea of space tourism and working backward to determine the steps needed in order to make this vision become a reality. IRIS thought this could be a synergy opportunity between our clubs to combine our different skill sets towards this workshop put on by Dr. Staley, an OSU professor who teaches idealized design!
  • The STEAM Factory here at OSU will be hosting a Scientist Guess-Who at 8 pm. Play along to figure out the function of miscellaneous pieces of research equipment, test your skills at Q&A in a 20-questions style guessing game, and try to figure out the research focus of our mystery guests. The program will be hosted by a student comedian from Buckeye Standup Comedy and the mystery guests will be graduate students from various STEM programs at Ohio State! Registration has not opened yet.
There will be an impromptu game night this weekend, you can be on the lookout for it on our GroupMe.

Help Anna Voelker Get to Space via the Inspiration4!

Hey Astro Society! We’d like to give some publicity to SciAccess organizer, Making Space for All owner, and former OSU Astronomy Outreach Coordinator, Anna Voelker! They are hoping to be a part of the Inspiration4 mission to space – and they need your help. They are competing for the ‘Prosperity’ seat, utilizing Shift4Shop to launch their dream business, Making Space for All! To help, be sure to like, retweet, and share Anna’s Twitter post (https://twitter.com/Anna_Voelker/status/1366224245152489472?s=20) to get Anna and Making Space for All trending on Twitter! We hope to see them succeed!

You can get your own chance at a seat by donating to St. Jude’s here!

Election Results!

Congrats to our new 2021-22 officers:

President: Caitlin O’Brien

Vice President of Events: Benjamin Weiser

Vice President of Inclusion, Diversity, and Retention: Natalia Porraz

Vice President of Media: Payton Cassel

Treasurer: Hannah Parsons

Secretary: Austin Hill


Monthly Movie Nights with OSU Astronomy

The Ohio State Department of Astronomy presents Monthly Movie Nights: Science Fiction VS. Science Fact, where Anna Voelker (SciAccess and Making Space for All organizer) hosts a panel discussion with subject-matter experts who will help uncover the real science hidden within our favorite sci-fi filmsthis month, it’s Star Wars! Register for free here. Click the title or picture to visit the event page. This event will have ASL interpreting and live CART captioning. This will take place Wednesday, Sept. 30th at 8pm via zoom.

Astro Coffee!!

Galaxy in a coffee cupAstro Coffee is an informal morning free-for-all where students, postdocs, and faculty debate up-to-the-minute astronomical developments. Normally hosted in-person, Astro Coffee now happens via Zoom. These are great if you’re interested in learning what’s new in the Astronomy world. Feel free to join anytime.

WHEN: Weekdays @ 10:30am
WHERE: Online via Zoom (ask for password)

For more information, visit: Astro Coffee | Department of Astronomy

Planetarium Information and Resources Meeting Tonight!

Meeting TONIGHT @ 7pm EDT! Planetarium Information and Resources!

During this meeting, we will be discussing OSU’s Arne Slettebak Planetarium. Although the planetarium is currently closed, we will talk about ways that you can get involved in the future, even as a non-astronomy or physics major! We also plan to discuss some resources that can be used for observational astronomy. We hope that you will join us! The meeting will be at 7pm EDT on Zoom and will be recorded.

To join the meeting on Zoom, visit osu.zoom.us/j/95003000086. If asked for a password, enter 980727.

Follow Us on Instagram & Join Our GroupMe!

Our new Instagram: https://instagram.com/astrosocietyosu

Our new official GroupMe: https://groupme.com/join_group/62091684/jrgOIZmI

Inaugural Newsletter Tomorrow (September 4th)!

In order to keep official emails short, concise, and full of important club info, we are planning on sending out an Astro Society newsletter every Friday! We’ll provide links to videos and resources from the previous meeting; list upcoming events on campus, in our area, and across the world in astronomy and physics; feature your pictures/memes(!) every few weeks, and detail important things to observe in the night sky every month! It’ll be a new endeavor for us, but we’re excited to provide you with as much space & science info as we can! This newsletter will have details on September’s night sky. Make sure you are signed up for our mailing list!

Speaking of pictures and memes, we need some from you! If you’d like to submit some of your favorite astronomy pictures and memes, send them our way via Twitter, Instagram, GroupMe, or if needed, email. We’ll compile some for next week’s newsletter and will even be featured on our Instagram! If you’d like to be credited, be sure to provide your name and/or sources!