Annalee Sekulic presents at OSU Denman 2018

ASOM undergraduate researcher Annalee Sekulic presented her work on the plant macrofossils found in hyrax middens from Dhofar, Oman on Tuesday at OSU’s Denman Undergraduate Research Forum.  She has been working since last summer sorting through fecal pellets and identifying seeds and plant fragments.  Despite a few important unknown plant types that she is working on identifying, her poster looks at vegetation change over the last 1500 years and suggests that ground cover used to be much denser out in the wadi compared to today.  Her poster was without a doubt the slickest looking one there (totally unbiased assessment 😉 ) and she did a great job of sharing what she has been working on with other faculty and students.

Annalee (center) in front of her Denman Research Forum poster with ASOM graduate students Abby Buffington (left) and Anna Berlekamp (right).

Talking hyrax poop to fellow students.