Journal #5

My first semester of Ohio State was full of excitement and adventure. Coming to this college I was really nervous about the size and the rigor of my coursework, but after a few weeks I was able to adjust. I was able to achieve my goal of getting involve in campus through hall council. During high school I was involved in almost every after school activity, so I didn’t want to lose that at Ohio State. My first semester has taught me that college can be hard, but its 100% doable.

I definitely plan on being in architecture scholars next semester because I love what we do in the class. I will keep my active membership in scholars by attending each and every group meeting that we have after this semester. Since I declared my major to city and regional planning, I’m very excited to get those classes started in my major. My classes during first semester didn’t stand out to me because I felt lost in what I wanted to do, but after I declared I became excited for my classes for next semester.

During next semester I don’t plan on getting a job, because I’ll be working over winter break and saving up money. I’m choosing not to get a job during my first year because I want to focus on my grades as much as possible. My main goal for second semester is diving into my major courses and finding the path for my future. If possible, I want to find someone to shadow in the field of study that I want to major in. My goals relate to the goals of the Honors & Scholars G.O.A.L.S discussed at the beginning of the semester because I plan on bettering myself as a person by striving for academic success. To help reach my goals next semester, I will try to stay more organized throughout the semester. I know that staying organized will help me succeed in the upcoming semester because my life and environment will be clutter free.

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