Welcome Week Post

My first impression of Ohio State was that the campus was absolutely amazing. When I set foot on campus for the first time, I just knew it was the school for me. This school is filled with plenty of new people to always meet and new areas to explore. I truly value the the perfect balance of green space and city life that this campus offers. Personally, I really enjoyed welcome week and all its events. I was able to quickly learn how lively and upbeat this campus is.

Welcome week was a great way for me to get acclimated to the college environment. During this time, I was able to chat with many of the faculty members and learn things that I never knew about Ohio State. Eventually welcome week dwindled down, and it was time to start classes. My classes were very much similar to what I had originally expected. I predicted that I would have to constantly use my time wisely, and that became very true. I know it hasn’t been that long ago since I left my family in Cincinnati, but I can honestly say that I consider this University as my new home.

I’ve been so lucky to have great roommates that make this new environment felt like a home away from home. With the wide variety and diversity that this student body has, it’s almost impossible not to learn something new everyday about a different cultures. Thanks to all my new friends, it has been incredibly easy to adjust to my new life and schedule away from home. I know that I’m going to enjoy everything about this campus and this year.

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