
About Me

My Name is Alec Armyn. I live on Long Island and have played sports all of my life. School has always been important to me especially math and sciences, and I love spending time with friends and family at the beach in the summer and skiing in the winter. I hope to one day have a stable job to provide for any life that I want to have. I also would like to have a career that can help people. I am in college to further my knowledge and allow myself the opportunity for a job that can allow my self to have the comfortable lifestyle that I want. My major is Mechanical engineering, which is influenced by my enjoyment of physics and math in high school. I hope that I can help solve some humanitarian issues, specifically food insecurity with my work, but helping anyone is my real goal. Currently, I volunteer with a local not for profit named Island Harvest, which helps collect and distribute food to families and people who are food-insecure.

Exploring Columbus

On October 27th, my HES peer group and I went to the Columbus Zoo. We drove there on the Sunday and we’re excited to explore what the Zoo had to offer. Although many exhibits were closed, probably due to the terrible rain from the day prior, we still had the opportunity to see animals that I personally have not seen before. After exploring the different parts of the zoo for a few hours, we headed back to campus. My favorite part of the trip was being able to see both wolves and reindeer. I’ve been to zoos in the past but neither of those animals were kept there, so it was very interesting to see them in person for the first time. The next time we try to go to the zoo, we learned it is important to keep in mind the weather around the day we go instead of just on the day, because exhibits can be closed if the weather is poor a few days before. The zoo was a lot of fun, and I would love to go back sometime to see the animals that we didn’t get to see that Sunday.







My Artifact

My ‘artifact’ is my experience playing lacrosse. I played lacrosse from fourth grade through my senior year in high school. When I played, I was never the most skilled player on the field, but where I lacked in skill I made up in hard work. I always tried to run and play the hardest at every practice and every game. The game also taught me resilience. In middle school, I fractured two vertebrae in my spine from playing lacrosse. Doctors told me that they would never heal, but instead of not playing sports again, I worked to build the muscle around the vertebrae in order to strengthen the area of my lower back. After physical therapy and a lot of time at the gym, I could use my back normally again. I consider working hard and resilience to be two of my best and most defining qualities, and I owe them to the game of Lacrosse.




top 5 strengths

1. Kindness

I connect with kindness as my top strength because I care deeply for other people, so being kind to others comes very naturally to me.

2. Love

Family and close friends are extremely important in my life. Forming close connections with people helps my life have purpose.

3. Humor

All I do is quote The Office.

4. Honesty

Along with forming close connections, honesty is the best way to maintain the connections. Morally, Honesty is also the best action

5. Humility

Humility is a strength I connect with because of how much I value showing respect to other people. It is important to me to be humble as I am bothered by arrogance and strive for respectful humility.