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Principal Investigator of OPREL

I am currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at The Ohio State University (OSU). Prior to joining OSU, I worked as a Project Scientist in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California at Santa Barbara, CA, USA. I received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh in 2005 and the M.Sc. degree in Communication Technology from Universität Ulm, Germany, in 2008. I received my Ph.D. degree from Technische Universität München, Walter Schottky Institut, Germany in 2012. I then joined the Nanophotonics Group of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at McGill University as a Postdoctoral Fellow. I also worked as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of California at Los Angeles, CA, USA. I am a senior member of the Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), IEEE Photonics Society (IPC), and Optical Society of America (OSA),
My Researcher ID: E-2328-2013

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I am also a member of Institute of International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), European Physical Society (EPS), and Die Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE (ITG).

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