Fire has been an important natural disturbance within Ohio’s forests for thousands of years. As such, some of the trees and plants have developed adaptations that allow them to not only survive fire but are encouraged to establish and grow following fire. Oak-Hickory forests are one such forest that can benefit from the usage of prescribed fire. Returning fire to a landscape that has largely been without fire for the last century may be one of the key components to help sustain the dominance of oak across the unglaciated forest areas of Ohio. Prescribed fire is not without complications as 76% of Ohio’s forests are owned by private owners and its misuse could cause serious issues. Each of Ohio’s woodlands is unique due to variance including topography, soils, land-use management history, and the types of vegetation present. Woodland landowners have a variety of reasons for ownership including wildlife, timber, aesthetics, legacy, or just a place or call home. However, one thing that many family forest owners have in common is their desire to improve the health and condition of their woodlands. Come and see if prescribed fire could provide you with the opportunity to create a thriving woodland on your property!
If you would like to learn more about Prescribed Fire, please join us on August 9th for our “A DAY in the WOODS” program at Vinton Furnace State Forest to:
- Learn the ecology of fire in relation to southeastern Ohio forest ecosystems.
- Explore prescribed fire treated stands and compare to untreated stands.
- Learn about prescribed fire resources available to private landowners.
This program will take place at Vinton Furnace State Forest near McArthur and runs from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. A registration fee of $15 will cover the cost of lunch and program materials. To download a brochure with more details about this program and future programs visit: .
Please use one of the following methods to register by August 2nd: Register and pay online at; call OSU Extension Jackson County 740-286-5044 or email Annie Miller at
How to find Vinton Furnace State Forest:
From the North (Dundas): From the intersection of State Route 93 and State Route 324, drive south on State Route 324 for approximately 0.3 miles and turn left onto Sam Russell Road. Follow Sam Russell Road about 2.5 miles to the forest entrance.
From the South (Radcliff): From the intersection of State Route 32 and State Route 160, drive about 2.1 miles north on State Route 160 and turn right onto the experimental Road.
Once you enter Vinton Furnace State Forest follow the yellow “A DAY in the WOODS” signs to the event location.
“A Day in the Woods” and is sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of Forestry and Wildlife, U.S. Forest Service, Vinton Soil and Water Conservation District, Central State University Extension, National Wild Turkey Federation, Pixelle Specialty Solutions, Ohio Tree Farm Committee, Ohio Forestry Association Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, Ruffed Grouse Society, Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative, Pheasants and Quail Forever, and Ohio’s SFI Implementation Committee.