

G.O.A.L.S serves to present ways in which Honors and Scholars students may excel during their college lives through a variety of unique activities and learning experiences. Two facets of G.O.A.L.S that I have found very crucial to my success are Academic Enrichment and Leadership Development. I believe Academic Enrichment is important because of the overall significance of college coursework, while Leadership Development is vital because of its implications in a future workplace.

Academic Enrichment is at the forefront of the college experience because of the coursework in the classroom and the educational experiences I can attain from out of the classroom. An academic club that I have been interested in is Big Data Analytics Association. This has proved to be useful to me because I am learning about the applications of computer science to the topic of data analysis and representation. This effectively relates back to my major, which is computer science, and helps me learn of how it can be used in different contexts. This extracurricular experience has led to my pursuit towards academic excellence and has furthered my involvement in that it is a comprehensive look into the data analytics field. It also assists me in determining what I would like to do in the future after I obtain a degree in computer science, giving me an incentive to look into the field of data analytics.

Original Inquiry is another essential facet that can enable me to find success in my later college years and career. The interview project in my STEM Scholars was an experience which allowed me to have a head-start in understanding how undergraduate research works. It additionally led to me acquiring knowledge on how to contact professors regarding research positions. In order for me to find valuable opportunities as a computer science major, I must also be involved in internships and the STEM Scholars course helped me find internships that I was interested in and could possibly join over the summer. These in-class endeavors have allowed me to understand the significance of internships and research in regards to resume content and were educational for me in realizing how this could affect the quality of the occupation I get after my college years.



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