S-M-A-R-T Goals

Prior to taking this course I’ve been introduced into using the S-M-A-R-T Goal setting, but I’ve never really put it into use until this semester. Before I would set a goal, maybe not even have it written down. I wouldn’t set a deadline, I wouldn’t make it very specific, maybe something broad like obtain a high GPA. But then you have to ask yourself well what is considered a high GPA to me? So by setting SMART goals, it makes these questions easier to answer, but instead you have them answered prior to even beginning the process of your goal.

So first is making sure your goal is Specific. What this means is not creating a Broad goal, you want it to be clear and easy to understand To where you or someone else could read it and understand.

Not Specific: “I will lose weight” “I will get good grades” “I will do well on my exam”    

Specific: “I will lose 10 lbs in 10 weeks” “I will get at least a 3.5 this semester” “I will get an A on my Final exam”    


Secondly is making this goal Measurable. This means you must be able to measure (quantifiable) it, you won’t know if you’re making any progress on a goal if you have no way to keep track of what you are achieving.

Measurable: I’ve lost 5 lbs in the past 5 weeks and my goal is to lose 10 lbs in 10 weeks, so I would know that I am half way to accomplishing my goal. If I have only lost 1 lb in 5 weeks then I may need to consider either adjusting what I am doing to complete my goal, or adjust my goal.

You want to make sure your goal is Achievable. For example, are you able to complete this goal with the amount of time you have given yourself and under whatever circumstances you may have in your life.

Achievable: I will lose 1 lb in 1 week”  

Not Achievable: “I will lose 10 lbs in 1 week” 

You want to make sure your goal is Realistic. So not creating a goal that you know is impossible to accomplish.

Realistic: “I will go to the beach while I am in Florida” “I will see creatures I’ve never seen before when I visit Hawaii.”

Not Realistic: “I will visit a beach while I am in Alaska” “I will see a dinosaur when I go to Hawaii”   

Lastly, which is something I introduced a little while talking about the other parts to SMART goal setting, but you want to make your goal Timely. This means you want a deadline by when you should have it completed, without a deadline you make procrastinate when it comes to your goal.


I have inserted this image below to helpfully help when setting a SMART goal, this image has questions that you can ask yourself when trying to create a goal to make sure you are creating a goal that you will successfully complete.