Campus Seminar Post

I went to the Nuclear Physics Seminar-Extracting Hadron’s Partonic Structure from Lattice QCD Calculations from 3:30-4:30pm in the Physics Research Building. I went with one of my friends because she was also interested in this seminar. I was not the only undergraduate student, especially since I went with one of my other friends and I recognized some other people there as well that were undergraduate students. I felt a little intimidated, not by the people, but by the research and information being explained because it was really complex stuff and I am not extremely familiar with Nuclear Physics topics. Although the content was difficult to understand, I still learned some things like the Hadronic matrix elements with the possible operators, the different hadron structures (2D confined motion, 2D spatial imaging, Number density, and how certain hadron structures can be calculated in lattice QCD.

A lot of this I just took notes on and did not understand much. It was interesting learning about this and how in depth physics can go in and how there are so many different categories because I took a physics course in high school last year, but it was very dissimilar to this and easier. Overall, however, I did not understand much. It makes sense though because this was a high level seminar and I am only used to the basics of physics. Also, I am not that big of a fan of physics, so this is probably why I did not enjoy the seminar as much. I am not sure if this seminar met the expectations of research in my major because my major is Health Sciences, so it is obviously more health directed. This is very different from physics, so I feel like if it was a seminar with something similar to my major, I would understand and like it more. I think there is merit to being active in the academic community as an undergraduate student because it can help you figure out your future better and whether or not you are actually interested in that certain area to the extent that you think you are.

I definitely think it would help with networking because starting early and getting involved with things in your academic interest can help you meet people and that can lead to shadowing or interning opportunities that would be very beneficial to expand your academic interest. It is not a waste of time at all because besides learning more about the area you are academically interested in, it can help you find hobbies and make friends, which is really helpful for college. Next time I go to a seminar I hope to go to one that is more related to my field of interest, which is Health. I think going to a seminar focused on biology and learning more on depth would really interest me because I would always love learning in depth in that area in high school. Also, I would love a seminar focused on details of Optometry because I hope to go on the Pre-Optometry track in the future. The pictures below a  are a picture of the room because I did not want to take one inside since there were people there and a poster outside of the PRB that talked about Ionization of Alkali Metals.

Campus Resource Post

I thought it was interesting and beneficial that we had to visit a non-academic campus resource. I knew from before that there are a countless number of resources on campus to help in many ways, but I didn’t know specifically their names and what they did. After looking at the long list of resources on campus, I decided to go to the Wilce Student Health Center, which is part of the Student Wellness Center. This center provides a variety of health care services to students whenever they need help. All students are allowed to use this place regardless of health insurance.

I selected to schedule an appointment with this resource by calling them and asking what their schedule is for getting a flu shot. They told me they have availability for me to come and that it’s walk in and when I get there I swipe my BuckID in the scanner. This was different from what I did at home because usually my mom or I would book an appointment for a flu shot and then have to go in and wait. When I got there, there was not that long of a wait and I got my flu shot really quickly as well. This is really beneficial for students because the Health Center obviously knows students are really busy, so getting them in and out quick while still getting good work done is great.

I hoped to experience me being a responsible, independent student because in the past my mom would always take me to get my flu shot. However, this time I went alone, and the Health Center made it easy to facilitate with no challenges at all. I feel like I did get this experience because it makes me happy that I am starting to do stuff on my own without any familial help. I think overall the student health center is really great because it provides so many resources for students so close. One area for improvement could be getting ready for the amount of people that come in for flu shots. My wait wasn’t long, but in the coming weeks I assume more people will get their shots, so getting prepared for that and organizing everything would help. I do not think OSU is missing a support service. I know OSU has many more areas to aid students, especially for health (mental and physical health), which a lot of students need. This makes me really glad that OSU can provide the help that students need in a quick manner. I’m glad I went to the Wilce Student Health Center because I discovered a new place on campus that can assist me and I got my flu shot taken care of.

Some resource centers I would like to visit in the future are the Career Center and the Office of International Affairs. I want to book an appointment with someone at the Career Center to talk about specific careers I could get with my major and even go to a Career Fair as well. I think the Office of International Affairs is really interesting so I would like to go there too.