Annotated Bib. 3

Interview with a college student

This source was the best for me so far because it  covered all what a college student goes through, he discussed so many points that will be helpful in writing this argument and it was all about the stress that he experienced before and during COVID in college.

Mazen Yaser who is a student at OSU, in his third year. Related to our topic or even that is who we are talking about.

I chose this source because it is the most reliable source I can get to. I think this interview will add a lot to my topic because I was told the experience of an individual in college life.

This interview took place last week during this pandemic and it is the most relevant information I have so far.

I found this source from the actual college here, who is a feeling the real experience of our topic.

We went through a process of interviewing with all the questions I wanted to ask and collect information as much as possible to get the real and full picture of the stress of a college student.

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