Fair Trade

Fair Trade is the professional topic that I chose to discuss. Below I have a number of resources that outline what fair trade is and how it impacts the people and the world around us. I am passionate about this topic because I was able to go to Guatemala and meet many fair trade farmers and artisans that are indigenous people. I also did an internship at a fair trade store over the summer, this is something I am proud to be a part of and anyone can be part of it just through buying fair trade items.


The professional organization below is the educational website for fair trade certified.

WHO: professionals worldwide who work with fair trade.

WHEN: It was last updated in 2018 so it is all current information

WHAT: educational website about fair trade

WHY: to educate people on what it means to be fair trade and its impact

WHERE: headquarters in Oakland and California, but worldwide

Hyperlink to a professional organization website: Click Here


The hyperlink below is to a source that describes the fair trade principles, the requirements set in place in order for something to be labeled fair trade.

WHO: the world fair trade organization
WHEN: Last updated in 2014
WHAT: The fair trade principles
WHY: to educate people on the different requirements set in place in order for something to be labeled fair trade.

WHERE: based in the Netherlands, but active world wide

Hyperlink to fair trade principles: Click Here


The video below is about the journey of fair trade products and how they are very much present in our lives.

WHO: published by the fair world project
WHEN: 2016
WHAT: fair trade in the world we live in
WHY: to educate people on the fair trade movement and why it matters

WHERE: on Youtube

Video: Click Here



This academic journal is to educated people on the economics of fair trade

WHO: Raluca Dragusanu, Daniele Giovannucci, and Nathan Nunn

WHEN: Summer 2014

WHAT: Comparing fair trade market to not fair trade market

WHY: to educate consumers

WHERE: The journal of economic perspectives

Academic Journal: Click Here


The other two wesbites are organizations and businesses that sell fair trade products

WHO: then thousands villages, and Ben and Jerrys ice Cream

WHEN: they are both currently in business and keep their websites up to date as they change and grow.
WHAT: rugs and ice cream

WHY: to educate others and meet consumer needs in an ethical way
WHERE: all over the world they sell these products

Other websites of professionals who sell fair trade: Click Here Click Here