Learning Strategies

Throughout this class we learned about many different learning strategies. The ones that I felt helped me the most when taking this course are:

  • The environment I put myself in when doing assignments
  • Communicating with my group through a group chat rather than email
  • Using google slides so my group could have access 24/7 to the project
  • Using the readings when studying for the quizzes was very helpful too

Three Class Takeaways

  1. The first take away that I want to talk about is the importance of learning new online tools. I’ve really learned through this class that as time keeps moving there are many new technologies that we must be able to learn about. The world around us is advancing so we have to be flexible and willing to learn new things.
  2. The second take away I gained from this class is that the environment we are in is very important when taking online classes. When we were doing our live sessions, it was important that I was in a quite place where I wouldn’t get any interruptions. Learning about Sarah’s experience was interesting, and I was able to reflect on it for my own student life.
  3. The third takeaway I gained from this class is that it is really easy to meet with group members in the Carmen connect rooms. I was nervous about doing group work with an online class but now I feel like it was a lot easier this way, even compared to my other classes that are not online.

Technology I’ve Learned About

In this class we were exposed to many different technologies, we didn’t use all of them but we had to read about them and watch videos on how they would benefit us, if we ever needed to use them. The technologies that I learned about that were the most helpful were:

  • Carmen connect rooms
  • Screen cast video maker
  • Buckeye box

All of these technologies, except for the Carmen connect room I have needed to use in other classes, this course helped me understand how to use them in an effective way. I was able to use buckeye box and the video maker in other classes I am enrolled in with basically no difficulty because the assignments we had in the course taught me how to use them.