
Module 7

“On average, interruptions take 23 minutes and 15 seconds to recover from—even if the distraction is only a minute!” (Slide 12).  Didn’t think to realize that quick glance at our phone would take 23 minutes and 15 seconds. As a student that’s a lot of time being wasted when we have a lot of class work and other personal life tasks at hand. That’s why for this module I tried out the app called Forest that was mentioned in slide 13.  Started the app with just small tasks I had to do and setting a timer on the app for how long I wanted to be focused on the task. When I got off the app it would kill the tree or plant, I was growing which happened twice but so far, I have grown a tree, two blueberry plants and even got a real plant seed that I can pick to send to me so I can grow it. Learning I can grow plants while staying focused was very useful in this module and worth it. The app even lets you put down money that I will either lose or get back if I complete my focus time. This changed it because I put down 5 to see if I could complete some of my class work and I did since I didn’t want to lose my money. Apps like these are ones I recommend and advice any student to find and use. We are always on out phones so why not find an app that pays you or helps you learn new information about plants or grown your own garden on your phone. Motivation comes from intrinsic and extrinsic sources so learning what helps you stay focused but also makes sure your focused is worth going through apps.

Module 6

As a student you will write so many different papers. So, knowing the different between a research question and just a search is the most important I will tell you need when it comes to papers. Research was defined as “It’s a process that “encompasses why and how we cite our courses, what sources are considered ‘primary’ versus ‘secondary,’ what types and sources of information are considered more reliable, trustworthy or accurate, and many other things.” (Prensky, 2005, pp. 2-3) (slide 10). Research is more discipline and getting information not from just any source but trustworthy sources. While search doesn’t have the best quality of information but also the information can be from any source that’s not credible. They don’t require any evidence to find your answer. As a student the most useful material from this module was learning the difference between these two. I honestly just thought search was just research, but they are so different, and one requires more than the other. I now know the difference but also how to look at the sources I’m getting my information from. Not every source you look at is credible. Make sure you look at the page and the type of information they have. Make sure they have citations and have evidence and support for all information they put out there