
Module 7: Keys to Motivation for Online Learning

Hey guys and gals, I’m back again for one last blog post this semester, so let’s make it a good one!

This week I learned about how to have good time management skills and efficiency when learning online. I took a quiz that measured 5 different categories; goal setting, prioritization, managing interruptions, procrastination, and scheduling. It is a 15 question quiz that gives you a score, and you can then use that score to see how good you are with time management. I took it once already this semester, and when I did, I got a 38 on the quiz. After taking it, I started using a planner and scheduling out all of my assignments and when I was going to do them, and I also tried to limit the distractions I normally had while doing those assignments. Through a few weeks of practicing this, I took the quiz again, and this time I received a 53. I jumped up 15 points in just a few weeks by incorporating a couple of different things into my daily study habits. Down below, I will have a link to the quiz, so that you can all try it out if you want, and maybe try to incorporate some new habits into your day to see if you can bump up your score as well.

Module 6: Searching and Researching

Hey all! I’m back with another blog post.

This week, we learned researching strategies and what to look out for when researching. The biggest takeaway that I had this week were three different techniques. One of the techniques was reliability. This is when you check a source to see if it shows the authors name and if they have credentials, such as a PhD, Dr, etc. and if they also have had someone peer review their writing. It also says to look if the article was published by an established company/organization. The second key technique is looking for quality. Quality is when you see if the information is up to date, look for when the article was posted, etc.. You also look to see if there were citations to different pages where they got the information, and also if there is any bias in the article.The last technique of this is called utility. Utility means to see if what you’re reading is what you meant to search and things that will relate to your topic. You also want to make sure that it is for the audience you want and that there is sufficient information but it isn’t too detailed for what you want. I am definitely incorporating all of these into my future writing, and hope you all do too!

Module 5: Listening and Viewing Strategies

Welcome back!

After a nice long weekend, I am here again for your weekly reading of the blog. This weeks blog is focused around, as you can see, listening and viewing strategies!

This week I watched a few videos on note taking that I think were very helpful and have already enhanced my note taking. The most useful thing I learned were all of the methods that can be used while note taking. You can do outline notes which is where you basically use bullet points, map notes where you make a diagram, and many many more. For the lesson we had, I did outline notes, and although it worked, it seemed as if they weren’t too detailed. I think map notes would be a very good thing to incorporate into note taking whenever you have a lesson that is all over the place or it is following a specific few events that you can put into a diagram and easily follow. I’ll put a link to the video in the bottom if you guys would want to try to see how you can take notes in many different ways. I think this video will really help you take more detailed notes and also easily remember more information from each lecture.

Module 4: Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

Hello all readers!!

This week we learned about different studying apps, websites, and techniques to help do better in class. The most useful thing I learned this past module was learning to interact with my online readings. A few ways to do this is by highlighting important information, summarizing key ideas, quizzing your comprehension, and developing diagrams to support your understanding. One specific example from this module that I have already put into use is highlighting. I have been taking notes on my iPad this week and then going back after the lectures to highlight the important stuff that I think I will need to know for exams. Already I can tell that it is helping me tremendously. I am able to remember information a lot better after the lectures than I normally do, so when exams come around, I’ll be ready to take them on more than ever.

One piece of advice that I would give to the students reading would be to definitely put some of these practices into use. It takes a little bit longer than just going to lectures and not doing anything else, but if you take the time to actually put these into practice, I can almost guarantee that you will be happy you did because the amount of information you can obtain using these techniques will skyrocket.

Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

Welcome back to the blog!

This week in class, I learned about how to be more efficient in doing your online schoolwork. One of the biggest takeaways from his week was the technique of tracking your time. The way you do this is to reflect each day on what you did. At the end of the week, you will have everything you did in that specific week, and can see where you were very productive, and also where you can be more productive for the future. Another takeaway is the technique of getting more out of your 24. The way I am doing this is by scheduling out my days and trying my best to stay right with the schedule. By doing both of these, I will have a schedule of what I should get done, and then I will also see what I did get done so I can compare the two for better time management for the following weeks.

Based on this weeks information and lessons, my advice to you guys would be to try out these techniques for a week. At the end of the week, reflect on how productive you were, and if you got a lot done and were productive, reward yourself with an incentive. If not, tell yourself you didn’t earn the incentive. Do this each week and you will have a goal to work towards each week and will slowly become more and more productive that you won’t even need the incentive. Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the week!

Module 2: Communicating and Collaborating

Hello all!

Week 2 was a very interesting and useful week. This week, I took a quiz on time management, and found out that I am not the most efficient user of time, probably one of the worst if I’m being honest. I decided that two specific things I am going to focus on for the rest of the semester are: goal setting and managing interruptions. One way I am going to goal set is each week to go through my planner and write down exactly what I want to do each day. I think this will really help and will keep you all updated on how it goes! The other, managing interruptions, will be a bit harder. Living with 6 other roommates can make it hard to stay on task at all times, but I am going to do my best to stay on track.

One big takeaway that I had this week that I wanted to share was from a video on how to deal with lazy group members. The narrator brought up that a great way to handle this is to assign work for each group member first, and then assign mini-deadlines throughout the project to make sure that each group member is pulling their end of the weight and that you don’t have to be nervous waiting for the last minute for that one group member who always sends their work 5 minutes before the project is due.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment down below and I will answer it as soon as I see it. Have a great week everyone!