Our morning started with us flying thousands of miles above the Atlantic Ocean, and believe me when I say we couldn’t wait to reach Scotland and begin our adventure!
After leaving the airport, we started at the Scottish Farmer in Glasgow. This is one of Scotland’s only two agricultural magazines, which is very different from in the U.S. While at the Scottish Farmer we spoke with the editors, learned about the history of the magazine and of the history of Scottish agriculture, and even discussed where the editor saw Scotland’s farm community and the Scottish Farmer going.
From the Scottish Farmer we headed to Edinburgh, where we ate lunch at a tradition Scottish restaurant. Many of us even tried haggis for the first time; it’s an acquired taste…
The rest of the day was spent touring and exploring Edinburgh. One interesting thing our
tour guide told us is that Edinburgh has the reputation of having four seasons in one day. We should feel right at home because this sounds just like Ohio!
Edinburgh also gets about 12 thousand visitors a day, which is crazy! The entire country of Scotland has half a million people, and yet the city of London has 8 million people.
While on our tour, we learned about the Royal Mile and much of Edinburgh’s fascinating heritage. Learning about the Scottish flag and the kilt were two of these things.
At the end of the day, our group especially enjoyed getting to know each other better while learning about all of Edinburgh’s amazing architectural structures. This is a beautiful city and we can’t wait to see more of it!
– – Kat Sharp