Lab 06: Halfway Checkpoint

For this lab, the team got together to work on the Preliminary Design Report as well as look at what they have learned from all the labs up to this point. Some major take away’s include: coasting being more beneficial, a smaller more sleeker design, as well as how to organize the data that has been collected.

Link to Progress Report: PR8_GroupD


Meeting 09: March 1, 2017, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Houston House, 6th Floor

Team Members: In Attendance:


Blake Harriman

X PDR Practice
Kyle Kottyan X

PDR Practice

Kyle Pellikan

X PDR Practice
Joe Sudar X

PDR Practice


This meeting was planned in order to practice and rehearse the PDR presentation to make sure that everyone was prepared. The team ran through the presentation multiple times in order to help memorize the information.


Goals for next meeting:

  • Present the PDR
  • Start working on Progress Report 8


  • Made sure the PDR was organized
  • Practice with the whole group in order to see how long it would be


  • Each member were tasked with learning their slides


Meeting 10: March 08, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM, Houston House, 2nd Floor Lobby

Team Members: In Attendance:


Blake Harriman

X Scenario coding
Kyle Kottyan X

Meeting leader, organizer

Kyle Pellikan

X Meeting Notes/Website
Joe Sudar X

AEV Design, SolidWorks modeling, Scheduling


This meeting was called to finish Progress report 8. The team discussed altering the website portfolio, as well as different ideas of how to run the AEV along the track. The team also discussed what material will be over the Lab proficiency quiz as well as what to study for it.


Goals for next meeting:

  • Prepare for Lab Proficiency Quiz
  • Turn in Progress Report 8


  • The team discussed what they learned from the prior lab.
  • Discussed how to fix their organizational issues.


  • The website was cleaned up more in order to make it easier to navigate



Location: Time: Blake H. Kyle P. Kyle K. Joe S.
March 5, 2017 Houston House: 2nd Floor Lobby 1:00 pm-

3:00 pm

(2 hrs.)

Meeting notes, PT prep(code) PT Prep (efficiency of design) PT Prep (Code)

PT Prep (design), solidworks model

March 8, 2017

Houston House: 2nd Floor Lobby 7:00 pm-

9:00 pm

(2 hrs.)

Backwards looking section Progress Report 8 Meeting note, Update u.osu website Forward Looking Section Progress Report 8 Weekly Schedule, Weekly goals Progress Report 8


Weekly Goals


Determine future actions based on Performance Test 1

Develop a model of the AEV design in Solidworks


Construct various AEV Arduino scripts to work for further energy analyses

Determine which part design will be laser cut or 3-D printed