
Current Events Catch-Up

25 October 2020

The event that I was able to watch the recording of was the current events catch-up. It was led by Samantha Zimmerman, shes the IA Academic Chair. She touched base on events going on in the world currently which was really interesting. There were some things I had no clue about.

I already knew a lot about what was going on in France. I wish she would’ve went in depth on France and the Islamophobia that’s been going on for years, but it’s understandable that she didn’t. I saw the ENDSARS hashtag on Instagram, but I wasn’t really educated with everything that was going on. I learned that it was college students that were leading these protests which was interesting. I enjoyed learning more about what was taking place in Nigeria in more depth.

This event relates to International Affairs because it’s about international news. In International Affairs, it’s important to stay informed about events going on in the world. This event gave a lot of insight of the current events. I was amazed by how much that’s going on in the world that I knew nothing about. It really showed me that I should read international news more often.

PhD Info Night

12 October 2020

The event that I will be sharing about is “Applying to a PhD program”. I wasn’t able to join the zoom call when it was happening, but I watched the recording of the event. The event was led by Sam Stelnicki, she’s an IA Alumni. She gave tips and tricks for getting involved in undergraduate research on campus and explained the application of a PhD program. 

I learned that it’s important to have an idea of what you want to do since there’s a lot of different fields that you can choose from. She also mentioned how you only take a couple of classes, but they’re so time-consuming and require a lot of thought. I also learned about the application process and how there are so many things to do before you can start applying. It’s also competitive so you should put a lot of effort and thought into your statement of purpose.

This event relates to International Affairs because the presenter is an IA Alum. Although the event wasn’t directly about International Affairs, it was informational. If I ever do plan on doing a PhD program, I know tips to make things easier for me. This was a very informative presentation, and I’m glad I watched the recording.

Opportunities with the Peace Corps

28 September 2020

The event that I will be sharing about is “Opportunities with The Peace Corps. I wasn’t able to join the zoom call when it was happening, but I watched the recording of the event. The event was led by Laura Joseph, and she’s the campus recruiter for The Peace Corps. The goal of The Peace Corps is to get the rest of the world to understand Americans and to get Americans to understand the rest of the world. 

I learned a lot about The Peace Corps from this event. The Peace Corps is a volunteer program that’s been around for almost 60 years now. It was founded by John F. Kennedy. You basically live and work with a community overseas for 2 years. You work in an area like health or education business development. This seems like a really cool opportunity to take advantage of in the future. I’ve always wanted to do some work in a different country, and this sounds like the best way to start. 

This event was related to International Affairs because it’s international studies. You go to another country and pick up on their culture and language. While doing this, you’re always making a change by helping out.

DACA Roundtable

24 September 2020

The event I was able to attend was the DACA Roundtable, and it was all virtual and it was through zoom.  This panel featured Columbus immigration advocates, and they focused on the DREAM Act legislation, DACA, and DAPA executive orders. There was one guy leading the panel and he asked questions and got the other people’s opinions and it sparked really great conversation. 

I learned a lot about how important the DREAM Act and DACA is. There are so many people who are relying on this, and it amazed me how little I knew about it before attending this panel. There was a lady on the panel who shared her story on how she found out she was undocumented as a child and she still relies on DACA. It was sad to hear her talk about how her future wasn’t certain since she had to renew it every 2 years, and things are changing every day, and it’s a constant debate on whether DACA will still be available or not.

Although this event wasn’t directly about International Affairs, it’s still related in a way. It related to International Affairs because it affects immigrants that are undocumented in the U.S. DACA allows them to receive deferred action from deportation and it allows them to become eligible for a work permit.