Dancing with Devils: Latin American Masks Traditions Bibliography

Featured resources by exhibit artists, curators, and collaborators:

Endara, F. (2021). De la De la Fiesta de Inocentes a la Diablada Pillareña. Los cambios en una fiesta patrimonial del Ecuador, 1990- 2020. Antropologías Del Sur, 8(16), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.25074/rantros.v8i16.1934

Gordon, Mark. 1987. “Tradition and the Transformation of Styles: A Documentation and Analysis of the Horned Carnival Masks of the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and Puerto Rico — An Artist’s Response.” Field Research

Hidalgo, J. J., & Valerio, M. A. (Eds.). (2022). Indigenous and Black Confraternities in Colonial Latin America: Negotiating Status through Religious Practices. Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv28hj36w (available at Thompson Library).

Wibbelsman, Michelle, Diego Arellano, and Tan Nguyen. 2016. The Hidden Life of Things: Andean and Amazonian Cultural Artifacts and the Stories They Tell. September 1—October 31, 2016, Global Gallery, Hagerty Hall Lobby, The Ohio State University.

Recommended Reading:

Anton Camargo, E. (2018). Noche de la Diablada. LULU COM.

Bigenho, M., & Stobart, H. (2018). Grasping Cacophony in Bolivian Heritage Otherwise. Anthropological Quarterly, 91(4), 1329–1363. http://www.jstor.org/stable/26646268.

De la Vega, P. (2016). La Diablada de píllaro no es desfile ni es Diablada. Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador.https://www.labarraespaciadora.com/c ulturas/9380/

Flipo, G. (2004). La diablada: [nouvelles]. A. Carrière.

Guchte, M. van de, Krannert Art Museum, I Space Gallery, & Cedar Rapids Art Association. (1992). Masquerades and demons: tukuna bark-cloth painting: an exhibition. Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.

Guss, D. M. (2000). The festive state: race, ethnicity, and nationalism as cultural performance. University of California Press. (available at Thompson Library).

Harris, M. (2003). Carnival and Other Christian Festivals: Folk Theology and Folk Performance. Austin: University of Texas Press (available at Thompson Library).

Koran, Z. (2020). Diabladas: O Maldito Vento. Independently Published.

Karadimas, Dimitri (2015). The Nina-Nina, the Devil and Oruro: The Origins of a Diabolical Figure. Indiana, 32(1),23-45. https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=2470433 88002.

Leomoine T. (2016). La Diablada [short animation film]. FilmFreeway. https://filmfreeway.com/ladiablada

Loaiza Peñafiel, Jennifer M., & Mora Cayambe, Miryam Cecilia (2019). RIOBAMBAPI KAPAK KAPAKKUNAPAK WAWA YALLIRI RAYMIPI RIKCHAY SUPAY ANTA. CHAKIÑAN, Revista de ciencias sociales y humanidades, (8),5-23. https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5717607 47002.

Ministerio de Cultura. (2008). Declaratoria de la “Diablada Pillareña” como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial del Estado ecuatoriano. Quito: Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural.

Niquinga Acosta, V. (2015). Etnocultura de resistencia en escenografía de las diabladas de píllaro: festividades hoy declaradas como patrimonio cultural intangible del pueblo ecuatoriano. Editorial Académica Española. doi: https://doi.org/10.37135/chk.002.09.09.

Nunley, J. W., & McCarty, C. (1999). Masks: faces of culture. Abrams in association with the Saint Louis Art Museum (available at Thompson Library).

Quezada Ortega, Jaime Ramiro. “Las máscaras en el arte popular ecuatoriano: estudio de las máscaras de la Diablada de Píllaro, aplicado a la producción escultórica contemporánea.” Master’s thesis. Universidad de Cuenca, 2016. http://dspace.ucuenca.edu.ec/handle/12345678 9/26139

Patiño Cabrera, Deicy Magaly, & Ayala Castro R, Héctor, & Chiriboga Barba, Danny Fernando, & Tapia, Fabián Camilo, & Chiriboga Barba, Tania Cecilia (2018). Estrategias de dinamización turístico cultural: caso de estudio Santiago de Píllaro. Siembra, 5(1),79-96. https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=6538683 69007

Sánchez-Ostiz, M. (2018). Diablada o La vida estrepitosa de Jorgito Camacho, chʼukuta de lujo. Pamiela argitaletxea.

Santo Domingo Center of Excellence for Latin American Research & Pérez, S. (n.d.) “The mask is looking at us performance by Sharon Pérez”.https://www.sdcelarbritishmuseum.org/bl og/watch-the-mask-is-looking-at-usperformance-by-sharon-perez/

Reino Garcés, P. A. (2006). La Diabalada Pillareña. Ambato, Ecuador: Maxtudio, 2006

Riggio, M. C., Marino, A., & Vignolo, P. (Eds.). (2015). Festive Devils of the Americas. Seagull Books (available at Thompson Library).

Tirado Lozada, Delia Angélica, & Mora-Pérez, Abraham (2019). LA DIABLADA PILLAREÑA, UN PERFORMANCE SIMBÓLICO. CHAKIÑAN, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, (9),105-119. https://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5717636 13009.

Taussig, M.T. (2010). The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America. (Thirtieth Anniversary Edition ed.). Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press (available at Thompson Library).

Vidal, T. (1982). Las caretas de cartón del. Carnaval de Ponce. Ediciones Alba.

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