ODA Newsletter

The ODA has implemented a lot of rule changes the past couple of years. We have highlighted some of them in QA. Due to the rule changes the ODA decided to create a helpful document to keep everyone up to date on things and answer some frequently asked questions.


The newsletter they created is a very helpful tool, feel free to check into it at this link. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/OHDOA/bulletins/3c401b3__;!!KGKeukY!1db_upr3oNGXRW7KV0izepdednqKyZFZD26XkQngG0Ezk91VmhgONDTAKfVPtWU4IKGV8UYzbkB_x5Rs6VC-_ynaddn4EA$

LAST CALL: Sale Buyer Card Photos

We are still missing quite a few photos from people for their buyer cards. These were due Tuesday, get them in as soon as possible!


If you do not get them in, you will just get a card with their name.

Fair Letter 2024

Fair Letters for the exhibitors were put in club packets. This post is for anyone who may have not gotten it yet!

All information for Fair you can find here!


DUNF 2024

It is about that time!

At this point you should have received this in an email as well!

Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF) Must be Completed Online, there will be no paper copies available this year per The Ohio Department of Agriculture request.


The Drug Use Notification Form must be completed by all market and lactating livestock that are exhibited at the Morgan County Fair. See list below.


The ODA has changed their requirements and now have enacted this change.


*All Poultry exhibitors wait to fill out this form until weigh in so you have your tag numbers*


  • Ohio Revised Code 901-19-06
    • DUNFs are required of the following species:
      • Market: Steer, Hog, Lamb, Dairy Steer, Goat, Poultry (by pen), Rabbit (by pen)
      • Lactating: Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats, Feeder Calves
    • Form must be completed by 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 3, 2024

 Here is the link to our DUNF forms:


If you have any questions you can call the office at 740-962-4854

IMPORTANT: Jr Fair Updates

Here are some updates from the fair board.


There has been some work put in to make the fairgrounds better for our exhibitors.

Please note there is now concrete in the Morton Building.

as well as there has been some electrical work done to the poultry barn. There will now be 12 fans in this barn to help circulate air for our poultry. Additional fans and extension cords will not be needed. If you do bring extension cords make sure they are 3 pronged. Anything else brought will be unplugged.

ACT NOW: Royalty 2024



The deadline is quickly approaching! Must have all applications in By August 5th! If your application is in, please call the office to schedule your interview!

It is time again for youth to be thinking about the Junior Fair Royalty Contest. Youth 15 to 18 are eligible to compete for King or Queen; youth 12 to 14 are eligible to compete for Prince or Princess; and youth 9 to 11 are eligible to compete for Junior Prince or Junior Princess. (Ages are as of January 1, 2024). Youth enrolled in the following organizations are eligible to participate in the Junior Fair Royalty contest: 4-H, FFA, Skills USA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or Farm Bureau Youth.

Interested youth need to complete an application and be interviewed. An application may be requested from the OSU Extension Office, to be mailed or picked up or find it online at morgan.osu.edu. Completed applications, including all required signatures, are due on August 5, 2024 by dropping it off or mailing it to OSU Extension, P.O. Box 179, McConnelsville, OH 43756. Youth need to schedule their own interviews for Monday, August 13th by calling the Extension Office at 740-962-4854.

The Royalty crowning will be held at the Morgan County Fair on Tuesday September 3, beginning at 4:30pm at the small stage. The chosen Queen, King, Princess and Prince will be required to participate in various activities during the Morgan County Fair, with the Junior Princess and Junior Prince assisting. The Junior Fair Queen will be invited to participate in the 2024 Ohio Fair Manager’s Queen Contest.

Skillathon Help Needed!

Skillathon is an event that test the knowledge of the livestock species that youth exhibit at the fair. In Morgan County, it is required by the Senior Fair Board to complete to exhibit at the county fair, receive a premium, and compete for premier market exhibitor. There are three stations involved: 1) a review of the project record book and questions on quality assurance, 2) an interview based on knowledge of the animal, and 3) an activity to complete based on knowledge of the animal. This is a learning opportunity for the youth to apply their knowledge and practice life skills.

We need some volunteers to donate their time as judges for skillathon. The event is scheduled to take place on Saturday, August 17, 2024 at the Morgan County Fairgrounds. You do not need to be an expert in livestock, and you do not have to stay all day! We have a morning shift option from 8am – Noon or an afternoon shift option from Noon – 4pm. You are more than welcome to stay all day (8am – 4pm) if you’d like.


We particularly need help in the all day or afternoon time frame!


If you’re interested in helping, we just need your name, email, and your time commitment. You can either call Sophia at 740-252-5435 or email her at whisman.30@osu.edu to sign up.

Royalty 2024



It is time again for youth to be thinking about the Junior Fair Royalty Contest. Youth 15 to 18 are eligible to compete for King or Queen; youth 12 to 14 are eligible to compete for Prince or Princess; and youth 9 to 11 are eligible to compete for Junior Prince or Junior Princess. (Ages are as of January 1, 2024). Youth enrolled in the following organizations are eligible to participate in the Junior Fair Royalty contest: 4-H, FFA, Skills USA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or Farm Bureau Youth.

Interested youth need to complete an application and be interviewed. An application may be requested from the OSU Extension Office, to be mailed or picked up or find it online at morgan.osu.edu. Completed applications, including all required signatures, are due on August 5, 2024 by dropping it off or mailing it to OSU Extension, P.O. Box 179, McConnelsville, OH 43756. Youth need to schedule their own interviews for Monday, August 13th by calling the Extension Office at 740-962-4854.

The Royalty crowning will be held at the Morgan County Fair on Tuesday September 3, beginning at 4:30pm at the small stage. The chosen Queen, King, Princess and Prince will be required to participate in various activities during the Morgan County Fair, with the Junior Princess and Junior Prince assisting. The Junior Fair Queen will be invited to participate in the 2024 Ohio Fair Manager’s Queen Contest.

DUNF Update

ODA has changed their requirements for who is required to fill out DUNF forms for fair. In the past year we did not require feeder calves to fill out DUNF forms. This has now changed due to rule changes with the ODA.


This year Dairy Beef Feeders and Feeder Calves will be required to fill out DUNF forms!!



Quality Assurance Options 2024

QA is required to be attended ONCE by each market livestock exhibitor in order to show and sell at the Morgan County Junior Fair. 

In-person training (held at the Morgan County Fairgrounds) are planned to take place on:

  • Saturday, May 25 10am-12pm
  • Saturday, May 25 at 1pm-3pm
  • Monday, June 3 6:30pm-8:30pm


We also have an option for youth to test out of QA BUT registration is required!

Basic Information:
Livestock Quality Assurance Test-Out will be held on May 2nd at 5-6:30pm It will be located at the Riecker Building in Rm 325. (Please allow yourself at least 30 minutes to take the test, do not show up at 6:20pm to test-out) The last test will be handed out at 6pm!
Other Details:
Registration for this event is required!. 12-14 year-old and 15-18 year-old 4-H and FFA members can test out of their annual quality assurance (QA) program. Youth ages 12-14 who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program for up to 3 years. Youth ages 15-18 years who pass the QA test can test out of their annual QA program permanently. Note that this age is based on 4-H age.  We do NOT recommend youth who are a 4-H age of 14 test-out. They will be in a new age bracket the next year and will be required to take QA regardless.
For more information, contact Sophia Whisman, whisman.30@osu.edu, 740-252-5435
Please register by May 1st using this link: https://go.osu.edu/qatestout2024


If you are unable to attend any of these options to satisfy the QA requirement please call the office ASAP. There are options to attend other counties QA as long as I am in the loop! All out of county QA training must be completed by June 10, 2024.

Not sure of your QA status for 2024? Did you test out more than 3 years ago? Contact Sophia Whisman, whisman.30@osu.edu or 740-252-5435 to check your status.