ODA Newsletter

The ODA has implemented a lot of rule changes the past couple of years. We have highlighted some of them in QA. Due to the rule changes the ODA decided to create a helpful document to keep everyone up to date on things and answer some frequently asked questions.


The newsletter they created is a very helpful tool, feel free to check into it at this link. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/OHDOA/bulletins/3c401b3__;!!KGKeukY!1db_upr3oNGXRW7KV0izepdednqKyZFZD26XkQngG0Ezk91VmhgONDTAKfVPtWU4IKGV8UYzbkB_x5Rs6VC-_ynaddn4EA$