Adaptive Adventures Camp Camp Dates: June 14 – 16, 2024

“4-H is for everyone,” but sometimes accessibility issues deny youth with unique abilities the opportunity to attend camp. In Ohio, a statewide 4-H camp is held at Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio for young people who have needs that cannot be accommodated for in a traditional camp and their caregivers. Being a typical kid is what Camp is all about and it is no different for youth with unique needs. Our goal is to give Campers a true experience of Camp while meeting their needs and letting them set their own pace for fun and success!

Some youth need the availability of a camp that can accommodate their varying medical, physical, and emotional needs. Ohio 4-H Adaptive Adventures Camp is designed with these young people in mind and is tailored to their needs. It gives youth a chance to try new things in a safe environment while building relationships. When campers and caregivers were asked about the Camp, 100% of those surveyed stated that they want to return next year and one caregiver stated, “Everyone helps all the kids have a great time. No one is left out.” Campers feel the same way – one Camper listed their favorite memory as, “Seeing all of the kids, staff, counselors & parents.”

The Camp allows youth to actively participate in activities such as environmental science, crafts, music therapy, outdoor education, aquatic skills, and self-reliability.  The youth, along with their caregivers, enjoy 2 nights of camping experiences that may not be available otherwise through 4-H.

With events like Camp, there are always many hands working behind the scenes to ensure that things happen. Volunteer counselors and Staff go out of their way to rearrange Camp to prepare for our Campers, parents, and caregivers. Returning families are always willing to help new families find where they need to be and we are grateful of the outpouring of community support for our Camp!  Thanks to the generous support of the Ohio 4-H Foundation, costs are kept to a minimum, and Campers are exposed to experiences including archery, music, crafts, nature, campfire, and horseback riding.

Click Here for Adaptive Adventures Camper ApplicationsDue June 1st

Update on 4-H Camp Dates

Due to a confustion with the calendar there is a change to the 4-H Camp dates for 2024. Please make note of the change.

Campers will arrive at camp Sunday, July 7, 2024 between 10-11 AM with an optional late arrival between 1-1:30 PM for those with a church or family commitment. Campers will leave on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 between 3:30-4:30 PM.

We apologize for the change.

Camp registration will be available by May 15th. 4-H members eligible will receive a postcard and there will be blog announcing the availability of registration packets. Due to the minimal number of camp counselor/CITS space will be limited. It is recommended that families register early and make a deposit. Deadline to register is June 7th or when spaces are filled.

NEEDED 2024 4-H Camp Counselors

Consider being a Camp Counselor for 2024 if you are a 4-H member. If you are a 4-H Club Volunteer call your members and encourage them to apply. If you are a parent encourage your children to apply.  It is almost too late to apply. If you or someone you know will be a 4-H Member in Morgan County and 15 years old as of January 1, 2024 they can apply to be a camp counselor for 2024 through this online application If you have questions about the program call the office at 740-962-4854. Deadline to apply is November 20, 2023 at 4:30 PM and interviews are scheduled for November 21, 2023.

We need a minimum of 16 camp counselors to move forward with the scheduling the training and planning to have a camp. Currently there are less than 10 that have completed the applications. If we do not have enough teens interested in being a camp counselor we will explore partnering with another county so our 4-H members still have the opportunity to have a camp experience.

Camp Counselor online Application for 2024

Consider being a Camp Counselor for 2024. It is not too early to apply. If you or someone you know will be a 4-H Member in Morgan County and 15 years old as of January 1, 2024 they can apply to be a camp counselor for 2024 through this online application If you have questions about the program call the office at 740-962-4854. Deadline to apply is November 20, 2023 at 4:30 PM and interviews are scheduled for November 21, 2023.

Cloverbud Day Camp 2023

Encourage your Cloverbud members to join the Older Youth in-Training and Junior Leader members for Cloverbud Day Camp on July 27th at Camp Hervida in Washington County from 9 am to 3 pm.  The camp theme is “All About 4-H”.  The camp fee is $30.00.

Cloverbud Day Camp packets are available to be picked up at the extension office for those who are interested. Registration is limited to the first 30 kids!


Payment options:  Cash or check to the extension office. The fee for the day and all completed health forms are due July 18th!

Call the office at 740-962-4854 or email with any questions


DEADLINE to Register for 4-H Camp

Today, June 12, 2023, is the deadline to register for 4-H Camp without a late fee. The office will be open today until 6:30 PM for evening meetings and workdays. There is a waiting list for boys, but there is a number spaces available for girls.


Camp opportunity coming up at canters cave! It is open for any youth! Does not have to be in 4-H.

STEM Camp is going to be SO MUCH FUN this year and is so much more than just technology. We are planning sessions around tie dyeing and color science, 4-H Yoga and anatomy/stress, pollinators and forestry science, food science and liquid nitrogen, recycling, and SO MUCH MORE!


Registration closes June 1st! Register at


Any questions please email

Morgan County 4-H Camp 2023

Camp packets are available at the office May 15th – June 12th. Deadline to register and make a deposit for camp is June 12th. NOTE: Space is limited due to the number of Camp Counselor/CITs so register early. Space is especially limited for male campers. 4-H Camp is July 10-14, 2023.