There was enough 4-H members interested in Fashion Board this year so the program moves forward in 2025. If you know a 4-H member (NO Cloverbuds) that is interested please let them know about the next two meetings for 2025. Anyone interested needs to become part of the group by the April meeting. The purpose of Fashion Board is to help 4-H members learn sewing skills. Individuals just need to want to learn sewing skills. They are not required to be taking a sewing project. If you are club volunteer please share this blog to your Facebook page if you have one.
The March meeting is scheduled for March 3rd from 5:30-6:30 PM at the Presbyterian Church of McConnelsville. (The gray church behind the Riecker Building where our office is located.) The adult leaders will be helping members thread their sewing machine and practice stitching. There will be machines available for those that do not have a machine to bring. We also discuss potential 4-H sewing projects for those individuals that plan to take a sewing project in 2025.
The April meeting is schedule for April 7th from 5:30-7 PM at the Presbyterian Church of McConnelsville. Topic and lesson to be decided.