Not too Late to Join 4-H Fashion Board for 2025

There was enough 4-H members interested in Fashion Board this year so the program moves forward in 2025. If you know a 4-H member (NO Cloverbuds) that is interested please let them know about the next two meetings for 2025. Anyone interested needs to become part of the group by the April meeting. The purpose of Fashion Board is to help 4-H members learn sewing skills. Individuals just need to want to learn sewing skills. They are not required to be taking a sewing project. If you are club volunteer please share this blog to your Facebook page if you have one.

The March meeting is scheduled for March 3rd from 5:30-6:30 PM at the Presbyterian Church of McConnelsville. (The gray church behind the Riecker Building where our office is located.) The adult leaders will be helping members thread their sewing machine and practice stitching. There will be machines available for those that do not have a machine to bring. We also discuss potential 4-H sewing projects for those individuals that plan to take a sewing project in 2025.

The April meeting is schedule for April 7th from 5:30-7 PM at the Presbyterian Church of McConnelsville. Topic and lesson to be decided.

Annual Financial Reports are Due!!!!

4-H Club Volunteers your annual financial reports are due tomorrow January 31, 2025. Our office is open 8 AM to 4:30 PM. You cannot email or fax the documents. You must turn in the January 2024 bank statement, the December 2024 bank statement, and the annual financial report. There are 2 options to complete the report. The first option is to complete the paper copy mailed to organizational club volunteers in the last newsletter. The second option is to complete the form online. Here is a link to the information on how to complete online.

REMINDER: DEADLINES are important.

Ohio 4-H Conference — March 8, 2025

Join 4-H volunteers and 4-H Teens from across the state for the annual conference at the Great Columbus Convention Center on March 8, 2025. Learn more about opportunities by reviewing the registration booklet at

The Morgan County 4-H Committee covers the cost for teens (13+ years old) and 4-H Volunteers if you submit a paper registration to the Morgan County Extension office by 4:30 PM February 4th. Here a registration form to complete and get to the office.

You can register later than February 4th but the 4-H Committee would not cover the cost and if you register after February 7th the cost increases.

REMINDER of Office Policy related to Winter Weather

With the recent weather bringing us beautiful snow covered landscapes, and opportunities to build snowmen and go sledding it a good time to remind you of the policy.  The policy in place states that if there is no school there will be no meetings. This is for youth involved in older youth opportunities. Exceptions are for adult only meetings. In those cases, please call ahead to check on the status for the meeting.

Fashion Board 2025

Today is the final day to complete a survey to indicate an interest in 4-H Fashion Board. Individuals just need to be in 4-H (no Cloverbuds) and have a interest in learning to sew. The group meets once a month starting in January. The first meeting for 2025 is January 6th from 5:30-6:30 PM at the Extension Office meeting.

Complete the survey by 5:30 PM today.


Final reminder to apply to be a camp counselor in 2025

If you are interested in becoming a camp counselor for 2025 complete the application by November 18th at 4:30 PM. The application can be found at the link below. If you prefer a hard copy, call the office at 740-962-4854. As a camp counselor you attend trainings and workdays to learn skills to help you prepare for a leadership role at camp. You help develop the camp theme and plan the camp schedule and activities. The camp counselor program is open to any 4-H members 15 years old as January 1, 2025. We need a minimum of 12 camp counselor to plan an overnight camp, so we need YOU!!!!


Final Reminder— Last day to register for Make it/Take it 4-H Pillowcase

Join one of your 4-H Educators and a 4-H Volunteer that once was a 4-H Fashion Board member and learn some basic sewing skills. You will take home a 4-H pillowcase at the end of the evening.

Date: November 18th
Time: 5:30-8 PM
Where: First Presbyterian Church of McConnelsville, OH
183 Liberty Ave.
Registration Deadline: November 13th via online survey at

No Supplies needed (if you want to bring you own sewing machine you are welcome to)
Minimum number of participants 5
Maximum number of participants 14

4-H Make it/Take it Pillowcase

Join one of your 4-H Educators and a 4-H Volunteer that once was a 4-H Fashion Board member and learn some basic sewing skills. You will take home a 4-H pillowcase at the end of the evening.

Date: November 18th
Time: 5:30-8 PM
Where: First Presbyterian Church of McConnelsville, OH
183 Liberty Ave.
Registration Deadline: November 13th via online survey at

No Supplies needed (if you want to bring you own sewing machine you are welcome to)
Minimum number of participants 5
Maximum number of participants 14