Winners Circle

Karen Johnson, Cargill/Nutrena Retail Account Representative, mobile: 716-450-0995,

Is offering this FREE ON LINE SEMINAR to get ready for SHOW SEASON! The seminar will also be discussing breeding beef, pigs and goats.

WHEN- Tuesday, February 15th,  7:00-8:30 p.m. ET

Please RSVP using the QR code in the invitation or click on the link below.

Everyone who attends will receive a nice care package from Nutrena after the seminar!

FINAL Reminder: Ohio 4-H Conference

The 2022 Ohio 4-H Conference will bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across Ohio. You can participate in a variety of educational sessions that offer something for everyone! Join us as we learn from one another to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs. It will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 12, 2022.

Registration through county sponsorships is due by February 4th, but if you miss this date, you have until February 11th to register for the conference at your own cost ($40). You must call the office at 740-962-4854 to reserve a registration spot through the county sponsorships.

Check out all the possible educational sessions that will be available at conference by clicking this link and viewing the Registration booklet:

Ohio 4-H Conference

The 2022 Ohio 4-H Conference will bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across Ohio. You can participate in a variety of educational sessions that offer something for everyone! Join us as we learn from one another to make the best better for Ohio 4-H programs. It will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 12, 2022. Registration through county sponsorships is due by February 4th, but if you miss this date, you have until February 11th to register for the conference at your own cost ($40). You must call the office at 740-962-4854 to reserve a registration spot through the county sponsorships.

Check out all the possible educational sessions that will be available at conference by clicking this link and viewing the Registration booklet:

National 4-H Conference for Teens

Ohio 4-H is seeking qualified teen applicants to attend the National 4-H Conference in March! As with many national programs, timing has been a bit strained due to the pandemic, hence why applications are just now reaching our youth for a program that occurs in two months. In addition, National 4-H Conference has found a new home outside of the National 4-H Center and is experiencing a staffing change from leadership at NIFA/USDA. All of these pieces are coming together to offer a fresh start to a positive national experience for our youth! We thank you for your understanding of this and please recognize the quick turnaround for teens to submit an application by January 24.

The National 4-H Conference is March 19-24 in Washington, D.C. (or, if choosing virtual programming – March 20-24). It is specifically focused on civic engagement, civic education, and personal development.  Delegates arrive to D.C. ready to connect, learn, engage, lead and impact their communities, their nation, and their world.  Additional information can be found in the application or at the links below. Selected Ohio 4-H teens will receive full scholarship coverage to attend National 4-H Conference (travel, housing, registration fees).

Ohio expects to be represented by 3-6 teens from across the state, characterizing core values of leadership, diversity, and civic engagement. We are seeking qualified candidates who represent the Ohio 4-H program positively and who have a passion for youth voice in public issues.

Important information to note:

  • Applicants can be a 4-H member from any county in Ohio!
  • Applicants must be 15-19 as of January 1, 2022
  • Pending the application process of youth choosing the virtual or in-person experience, we will determine the number of delegates representing Ohio given our funding available.
  • Applicants must complete the attached application, including essays (no more than 2 pages total), and attaining signatures in order to be considered.
  • Applications (and all supporting materials) must be received by January 24 at 11:59 p.m. to Kayla Oberstadt(.1)
  • When applications are reviewed, the corresponding 4-H educator will be contacted for a reference for the identified candidate. No documentation or signature is required from the 4-H educator prior to application.
  • More information about the conference: 
  • You may enjoy viewing the video from a past National 4-H Conference to learn more:

A Way to Give Back: Volunteering

Volunteer some time to a strong youth development program. There are various ways to volunteer, and we provide you with the resources you need to be successful. Perhaps you would like to serve on a committee or lead a specific group of youth, then you can serve as a program volunteer. Maybe you like camp and would like to serve as a camp volunteer. If you think you could be a valuable asset to a 4-H club as a volunteer, then discuss the possibility with either current club volunteers or the Extension office; if you wish to start your own club.

New volunteer applications are available online or for pickup. For the online application, use this link: Copies are available for pickup in the Extension office during working hours (8am-4:30pm Monday-Friday). All new volunteer applications are due by January 31st.

Market Steer Check-in

It is that time of the year again! There was a letter sent out to all previous or potential exhibitors planning on showing a market steer at the 2022 Morgan County Fair.

Here is a reminder for those interested. Market steer tag-in/weigh-in will be Saturday, December 18 from 8:00-10:00am at the fairgrounds. If an exhibitor wishes to take a carcass steer, they will need to let someone know on that day. If an exhibitor plans to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair, DNA samples will be taken.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the OSU Extension office or a Senior Fair Board member.

How to be the BEST

BEST (Beef Exhibitor Show Total) is a youth program of the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) that recognizes Ohio’s junior beef exhibitors for participation and placings through a series of sanctioned cattle shows that include showmanship competitions.

The BEST program is coordinated by a committee that is appointed by the OCA board of directors. BEST provides an environment for friendly competition and success while serving as an opportunity to create the next generation of leaders by educating juniors on beef industry issues, promoting family membership and participation in the OCA and rewarding the successful accomplishments and hard work of Ohio’s young cattlemen. Additional areas of opportunity are offered through BEST with Junior Representative positions, scholarships and a photography competition for participants to showcase their talent.


The BEST program includes the Stockmanship Division to allow exhibitors with or without cattle to showcase their talent outside of the ring by expanding their knowledge of cattle and the industry. This division is sponsored by the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.

The Stockmanship contests for this year are as follows:

  • Prepared Speaking, Scarlet & Gray Midwest Showdown – Saturday, Jan. 8
  • Salesmanship, The Weekend Spectacular – Saturday, Jan. 22
  • Cattlemen’s Challenge Competition (OCA’s version of a skill-a-thon), Clark County Cattle Battle – Saturday, Jan. 29
  • Fitting Contest, DTS Cupid Classic – Friday, Feb. 11
  • Judging Contest, Ohio Beef Expo – Friday, March 18

All of this information and much more is also available on our website at WWW.OHIOCATTLE.ORG/BEST.

State Achievement Awards for 2022

Ohio 4-H offers a wide variety of opportunities for teens to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations needed for success. Opportunities for teens begin at the local 4-H club level and expand to the county, state, national, and international levels through various awards, boards, travel experiences, and camping opportunities.

By annually completing and submitting your Ohio 4-H Achievement Record, you could be eligible to be selected for these various opportunities. State 4-H Achievement Awards and National 4-H Congress. 27 award recipients receive a trip to National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia held in November each year.

Visit our county website for the fillable PDF application:

Visit the Ohio 4-H website for tips and tricks for filling out the application and other help sheets:

State 4-H Achievement Award applications are due to the Extension office by January 31st.

Deadline Reminder for Older Youth Applications

Older youth applications and letters were mailed out in early November. This opportunity will allow you to learn about scholarships, awards, workforce and life skills, and other leadership opportunities beyond the county level. Explore your leadership skills and build a strong foundation to stand on once you become a caring and contributing citizen in society. Even if you are unsure, we encourage you to complete the application; you can always reconsider.

Older youth applications are due by December 3rd

Click the link below to visit our website to learn more about each older youth opportunity. Possible groups for you to be a part of are Junior Leaders, Junior Fair Board, 4-H Committee, Sale Committee, and CARTEENS.