Want to learn more about youth and mental health? Visit the links below for healthy living information, Cloverbuds and mental health, social media links and more.
- Ohio 4-H Healthy Living Journal Blog at u.osu.edu/4hjournal Subscribe to this blog to get daily mental health tips during January, then receive weekly general healthy living tips beginning in February.
- 4-H Cloverbud Connections Blog at u.osu.edu/cloverbudconnections Subscribe and receive two articles each month about engaging with 4-H Cloverbuds (youth ages 5-8). Posts this month focus on how to focus on basic mental health practices with young children.
- Facebook Follow us for posts throughout the month about mental health activities, tips and more. Ohio 4-H Youth Development: www.facebook.com/ohio4h Ohio 4-H Healthy Living: www.facebook.com/Ohio4Hhealth
National 4-H Council commissioned a mental health survey of teens in 2020. The Harris Poll found that 7 in 10 teens are struggling with their mental health in the wake of COVID-19. More than half of those surveyed said the pandemic increased their feelings of loneliness, with 64% believing it will have a lasting impact on their mental health. The survey was among the first to examine the impact this unprecedented public health crisis has had on U.S. teens. Read more at https://4-h.org/media/new-survey-finds-7-in-10-teens-are-struggling-with-mental-health/