Passport to Fishing Youth Clinic

This clinic is for youth ages 8-18 that are beginners clear up to experience anglers.  It will be held on Saturday, June 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Wolf Run Regional Park (17621 Yauger Road, Mount Vernon).  The clinic will be free and registration is required by June 2 by visiting  A box lunch will be provided and there will be prize drawings at the end of the day.  Each attendee will receive a free fishing rod.

For more information please see the attached flyer: Passporttofishingflyer-1h3f5z5


– Andrea

Raise Your Hand for Ohio 4-H Youth


The Raise Your Hand campaign is back and we are determined to bring home the $20,000 prize money to Ohio again this year!

The Raise Your Hand campaign has just kicked off again. We are asking all 4-H alumni & friends to raise their hand by voting for Ohio. The state with the most hands raised wins $20,000 for youth programming. We won last year, and we’re determined to win again this year!

Please help by raising your hand and asking friends and family to do the same.

– Andrea


2018 Youth Welding Workshop

On April 14, 2018, The Ohio State University, AWS Columbus Section, Lincoln Electric, and
HETEN Engineering and Laboratory is hosting a YOuth Welding Workshop from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Agricultural Engineering Building on the OSU Campus.  This workshop is designed for youth ages 10-18.  Registration for this workshop is March 30 and the cost is $90.  For more information and the registration form please refer to the flyer below or by clicking: Youth Welding Workshop 2018-2593k4t.

– Andrea

2018 Youth Conservationist Program

Must be between 9 and 18 years old.

  • Submit an application postmarked by April 1, 2018 that includes:
    • An essay which introduces you and your experience with animals. Your essay should explain your interest in sheep and
      answer the question: “Why I would like to help preserve a heritage breed of sheep.” If for any reason the animal will not
      be kept at your own home, please explain in detail where it will reside and what exactly your responsibilities will be.
    • The applicant should indicate if they wish to be considered for a particular breed or for any of the breeds available.
    • Each applicant must include a letter of recommendation from their 4‐H advisor, FFA advisor, veterinarian, teacher or
    • The total application/essay should be no more than 2 pages in length.
  • The application must include address, phone and if available, email address. Interested young people should contact
    Elaine for an updated list of breeds available, then submit their letter of application/essay to: Elaine Ashcraft, 46118 CR
    58 Coshocton, OH 43812


  • Requirements if selected:
    • Must be present to receive the ewe at the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival on Sunday, May 6, 2018.
    • Must exhibit the ewe at least twice in 2018 at: 1) a county fair or local sheep show and 2) the State Fair in the state
      where the recipient lives.
    • Must breed the ewe to a registered ram (of her breed) in the fall of 2018, should consult the donor breeder for their
    • Must either use the ewe’s fleece to personally make a wool item or sell the fleece to a spinner, felter or weaver.
    • Must submit an article, the following Feb/Mar to their local newspaper covering their year and including information
      concerning the next year’s YCP program.
    • Must submit a scrapbook to the Donor Breeder by April 30, 2018 and provide a scrapbook to be used at the Maryland
      Festival which is then given back to the youth.

Any questions please contact Elaine Ashcraft 46118 CR 58 Coshocton, Ohio 43812.  By phone at (740) 622‐1573 or by email at (please note the underscore between “tankewe”and “cr58”)

Donors select the recipients from the essays submitted by the youth.

– Andrea

Ohio Youth Capital Challenge

Exceptional community citizenship is one of the values that makes FFA, 4-H and Farm Bureau such successful organizations. These groups are partnering to bring the Ohio Youth Capital Challenge to you. Here is your chance to get involved and have a hands-on experience that will enable you to make your community a better place.

Delegates must be in at least the ninth grade and between the ages of 14 and 18 during the 2017-2018 school year. Delegates are expected to have concern for local community issues and a desire to be more involved. Cost to youth is $30 upon selection.

Up to 40 youth will be selected for the challenge. Participants will need to be ready to travel to Columbus for Phase One of the challenge. They will work in their assigned team during the following months developing a policy and presentation. Teams then will come together in Columbus to present. The winning teams will compete at the Ohio State Fair for cash prizes.

For more information please see the brochure at: 2018YouthCapitalChallengeBrochure-2hx3wk6

Please contact Andrea at 740-397-0401 ext. 1301 or at if you know someone who is interested in applying.

– Andrea