2020 State 4-H Event Youth Assistant (4HEYA)

OVERVIEW: The Ohio 4-H Event Youth Assistants (4HEYA) are a statewide group of 4-H teens that assist with Ohio State Fair events. In this process, members have an opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and be involved in the State 4-H program. They develop knowledge, skills, attitudes, and aspirations needed for future success. 4HEYAs work in partnership with the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council, but the experiences as a whole are different.

WHO IS ELIGIBLE?: 4-H members who are 13-18 years old as of January 1, 2020 and have previously completed at least one year of 4-H


  • Term: June 1, 2020-August 31, 2020 (Applicants are still eligible to apply to be a member of TLC for the 2020-2021 term. Find more information about TLC here.)
  • Working Events: Members are required to work at least 3 events at the Ohio State Fair. They will have the opportunity to sign up for their particular events in June.
  • Number of Meetings/Events: In addition to working events, members are required to attend one of the training options (either July 8 or July 14, 2020), both are held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds.
    • Please note, individuals MUST attend one of the training options. This is not negotiable. If you know you are unable to attend a training option before applying, it is best to wait another year before applying to serve in this capacity.

LOCATION: All meetings and events are held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds in Columbus, Ohio. There are some Ohio State Fair events that are “off-site,” but members will be notified of the location prior to signing up for an event.

FOR MORE INFORMATION & THE APPLICATION: https://ohio4h.org/families/just-teens/4heya 

2020 Youth Poultry Clinic

The 2020 Youth Poultry Clinic will be held Saturday, April 18, at OSU ATI, Wooster.  The postmark deadline for registration is Wednesday, April 1.  The cost for the clinic is $25.00 for adults and $20.00 for youth. Registration material is available at: https://ohio4h.org/events/youth-poultry-clinic-0 

Tentative topics are: Necropsy, Processing/Meats, Exhibition Poultry, Digestion/Nutrition, OPA/Careers, Youth Quality Assurance, Broilers A-Z, Laying Hens/Eggs, and a Question/Answer Corner.

Refreshments and lunch are included in the registration fee. Vendors will be present.

Flyer: 2020 Poultry Clinic Registration and Map

2020 Ohio Youth Capital Challenge

Ohio Youth Capital Challenge is an exciting program with a primary goal of increasing youth citizenship knowledge and participation.  The Ohio Youth Capital Challenge Portfolio Showcase is the culmination of an interactive civic education program designed to actively engage youth in the civic life of their communities.  In the OYCC, your group will be identifying and analyzing issues and problems facing your community (school, neighborhood, town/city, state). You will select one of these issues or problems for detailed study. After you complete your research, your group
will propose a public policy to deal with that issue or problem. Finally, your group will develop an action plan detailing the steps to take to have their public policy proposal adopted by the appropriate governmental authorities.  An Ohio Youth Capital Challenge Portfolio consists of two components: a visual display and a five-section documentation binder. This is the product that will be evaluated.

Application Link (due by December 31): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7e7DRFvnczwV-N6x1fIuzlovxrVHk2aGyKKw6r84OG5_FtQ/viewform

Flyer: 2020 Capital Challenge

2019 Ohio State Fair Opportunities

There are lots of events for youth to participate in at the Ohio State Fair.  Please see the list below with links to learn more about these opportunities.

Livestock Judging Contest: Friday, July 26 (registration due July 12): https://ohio4h.org/events/ohio-state-fair-4-h-livestock-judging-contest

Avian Bowl Contest: Saturday, August 3 (registration due July 5): https://ohio4h.org/events/ohio-state-fair-4-h-avian-bowl-contest

Poultry Judging Contest: Saturday, August 3 (registration due July 5): https://ohio4h.org/events/ohio-state-fair-4-h-poultry-judging-contest

Ohio State Fair Skillathons: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-state-fair-skillathon-information

Flyer: 2019 OSF Skillathons Calendar-2hy323z

2019 Youth Welding Workshop

Back by popular demand!

OSU’s Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, in partnership with American Welding Society-Columbus Section, Lincoln Electric, and HETEN Engineering and Laboratory, are pleased to offer Youth Welding Workshops this year:

  • Saturday June 8, 2019 – registration deadline is May 24.

Cost = $90/participant

Age of participant = 10-18

Location = OSU Columbus Campus, Agricultural Engineering Building

Choice of one welding process: Arc (‘stick’) welding OR Oxy (‘torch’) welding.

Registration includes:

  • Practice pieces of metal
  • Welding related supplies
  • Welding technique handouts
  • Lunch for youth participants

NO experience necessary. The instructors are looking forward to help youth learn!

Registration is limited to the first 24 participants for EACH TYPE of welding.

Scholarships ARE available –please see details in the flyer, which is linked below. We ask you reserve your spot(s) with a credit card; and if awarded a scholarship, you will not be charged (similar to reserving a hotel room).

On-site registration opens ~8:30AM the day of the welding workshop. The program will begin promptly at 9AM. The day will likely conclude by 4PM.

NO PARENTS/GUESTS allowed in the welding labs. There will be an informal program during the day for parents/guests, or you are welcome to enjoy the Spring games in Ohio Stadium.

This year, we have ONLINE registration (preferred method): http://go.osu.edu/Welding2019

SPACE IS LIMITED. Once the first workshop is full, we will defer participants to the June 8th workshop. PLEASE be diligent when selecting your preferred date. 

Linked here are the additional details, and options for hard copy/mail in registration.

For the April 13 workshop, if you DO NOT register online, please contact Dr. Dewey Mann (mann.309@osu.edu) to verify space is available. If space confirmed to you by Dr. Mann, you will bring this form with you to registration (DO NOT MAIL).


Teachers, and/or certified/trained/self-taught welders: Please let us know if you have INTEREST in serving as an instructor at one of these workshops.

Participants need to bring or wear industrial-quality eye protection, long sleeve shirt, long pants (100% cotton pants such as jeans are best, NO cotton/ poly bend such as athletic pants), and high-top foot protection (No open-toe shoes, sandals, etc.).

Please contact Dewey Mann mann.309@osu.edu with questions.

Thanks in advance, and we look forward to seeing you at the workshops!

Andrew ‘Dewey’ Mann, PhD

Lecturer/Faculty Advisor

Agricultural Systems Management (ASM)


2019 Passport to Fishing Clinic

On Saturday, June 1 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. youth can engage in a hands-on rotation of stations featuring Fish Habitat, Fish Handling, Fishing Knots and Rigging, Casting, Smart Boating and Water Safety and Understanding a Watershed taught by local instructors of partnering agencies and organizations.

This clinic is free but registration is required. Deadline to register is May 22, please visit the Knox County Park District at www.knoxcountyparks.org and click on the Events tab for registration form. Space is limited to the first 100 youth to register.

For more information: Passporttofishingflyer2019-2122m5a

2019 Youth Poultry Clinic

2019 Youth Poultry Clinic – NEW LOCATION!

When: April 13, 2019 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Where: The Ohio State University ATI.  Registration will be in the Student Activities Center – 1328 Dover Road, Building # 3, Wooster OH 44691

Cost: $20.00 per person (youth and adults) and includes lunch

Deadline: Registration and payment postmarked by Friday, March 29, 2019 Space is limited!

Contact: Jarrod Snell, snell.41@osu.edu

Registration and Overview:
8:30-9:00 – Registration/Refreshments. (Student Activities Center) Equipment and Housing Exhibits Open
9:00-9:20 – Introduction, Schedule Overview

Avian Anatomy (Necropsy) Poultry Products/Processing Broiler Selection
Quality Assurance Housing Waterfowl
Backyard Biosecurity Digestive Health Q & A Corner

Registration Information:
Make checks ($20.00 per person) payable to OSU/OARDC. On memo line write “Youth Poultry Clinic.”
Mail reservation (below) and payment postmarked by March 29 to: OSU/OARDC, Attn: Jarrod Snell, Dept. of Animal Sciences, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH 44691

Flyer: 2019 Youth Poultry Clinic-1gayz3s

2018 4-H Awards Recognition & Sponsors

Last week we had a great celebration recognizing our outstanding 4-H youth and 4-H clubs.   Please refer to the following link to see those that were recognized.

Program: Program 2018-1f4ll69




We also want to say than you to our award sponsors for that evening:

  • Angry Farmer Products
  • Buckingham Electric, Inc.
  • Danville Family Dentistry
  • Danville Veterinary Clinic – Dr. Teresa Hoxworth
  • Dusty’s Ag Service
  • Edward Jones Investments
  • The Energy Cooperative
  • Farm Credit Mid America
  • First Knox National Bank
  • Cathy Goeppinger
  • David Greer
  • Brian Howe, DDS Family Dentistry
  • Knox County Agricultural Society
  • Knox County Career Center Schools
  • Knox County Farm Bureau
  • Knox County 4-H Planning Committee
  • Knox County Pomona Grange
  • Knox Soil & Water Conservation District
  • Lasater Funeral Homes
  • Bob & Kay Lower
  • Leck & Helen McKee
  • The PEoples Bank of Gambier
  • G.R. Smith Hardware
  • Three Springs Farm
  • Swetlic Chiropractic & Rehab Center
  • The Weather Vane – Jean Wyatt
  • Wilging, Roush & Parsons; CPA’s

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