Ohio 4-H Achievement Form Workshop

This fall, Teen Leadership Council will be hosting a virtual Achievement Form Workshop for 4-H members statewide!

  • October 1, 2023 (6:00-7:30 p.m. on Zoom): An informational session will be held, providing a basic overview of the Achievement Form, giving introductory tips for completion, and sharing about potential opportunities available to members who complete and submit their forms.
    • Must register at https://go.osu.edu/AchForm2023 by September 29 to receive Zoom information for the workshop.
    • This session will be recorded for those who cannot attend in live-time.

If you are interested in having your  form reviewed, please let me know and I can help connect you with one of our teen leaders.

Have no idea what the Achievement Record is? That’s okay! See the additional attached flyer: Achievement Record Flyer FINAL that describes what the achievement record is and what awards are available for those that win.

More information can also be found at go.osu.edu/TLC.

Achievement Form Workshop Flyer 2023

Ohio Teen Leadership Application for 2021-2022

Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2021-22 year are now available and can be found on our website at go.osu.edu/TLC! Please let any interested individual know so they may apply. Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply.

  • Applications and more information about the group can be found online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due (received, not postmarked!) by Friday, August 13, 2021 to Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu). We recognize this falls during some county fairs, so encourage teens to apply early! We will accept applications as early as today 😊 The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2021-August 31, 2022.
  • If you want to “share” on Facebook, you may do so by sharing the link on the “Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council” Facebook page (posted today). If you want a blurb to copy for your newsletter, you may use: “Applications and more information to be an Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) member for the 2021-22 program year are now available online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note: applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation and program fees) are due (received, not postmarked!) by Friday, August 13, 2021.”

If you have questions on this opportunity, please let Sarah (longo.79@osu.edu), Kayla (oberstadt.1@osu.edu),  or Frances (foos.61@osu.edu) know.


Here are some highlights about the responsibilities of the council:

  • Age: Individuals must be 14-18 as of January 1 the year of application to apply for council member, committee member, committee chair, and officer.
  • Number of Meetings/Events: See the program structure outline on the application for specific numbers of meetings and events. Members are required to attend at least 75% of meetings and events.
    • Working Events: Members are required to work a number of statewide events at the Ohio State Fair, and elsewhere throughout the state (Farm Science Review, Legislative Luncheon, etc.).  Each level of membership differs in the number of events that are required.  See the program structure for more information.
  • Location of meetings: Meetings are typically held at the Ohio 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio, but there are occasionally instances when they are held elsewhere due to events on Ohio State’s Campus.  In these instances, meetings may be held at locations close to campus.  Refer to the application for the locations for the 2021-2022 year.  Members will be notified prior to the location change.
  • Additional Opportunities: Depending on the level of involvement, council members have the option to apply for additional opportunities including the National 4-H Conference, Ohio 4-H Foundation Board, and other opportunities that may arise.


Teamwork from Home

The Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council would like to invite teens to join them during this statewide Teamwork from Home event on Friday, February 19! They can register here: go.osu.edu/4hteamwork.

The first session will begin at 4:00pm with a break from 5:30pm-6:30pm.  At 6:30pm, we will begin our second session.  When they register, they can choose to join for one or both sessions!

During these sessions they will have an opportunity to learn about older youth 4-H opportunities, meet others from around the state and country, and participate in several interactive activities!  This program is being offered by the Teen Leadership Council committee who would traditionally be planning a luncheon during Ohio 4-H Conference.  Since they aren’t meeting for our conference in-person, they are bringing the fun to them!

Take the Leap – Career Readiness Program

On behalf of the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council, we would like to introduce you to the 2021 Take the Leap Year Program. Thanks to the Ohio 4-H Foundation Board, Take the Leap Year is a teen-led, five-month free program available to Ohio 4-H Teens ages 13-18. Our goal is to help teens from Ohio gain leadership skills, career development skills, and learn how to establish and maintain goals. They will learn these skills through programming, journaling, and working with their peers.

Registration is now open at go.osu.edu/taketheleap and due January 24, 2021.

More information about the program:

We will be meeting virtually on the third Wednesday of each month February-May. There will be two meetings in June, with one on the second Wednesday of the month and on the fourth Wednesday. These workshops will be held in the evening. Each session will have different themes taught by teen leaders. Prior to beginning in February, registered participants will receive a package in the mail with supplies for the program.

Below are the following plans with the corresponding months:

  • February: This meeting will be an introduction to the program. Throughout the program, we are challenging teens to pick one word to apply to all aspects of their life. This word can help them reach their goals.
  • March: Working with teens to develop a 5-year plan to help them determine what they would like to accomplish in the near future.
  • April: Teens will learn professionalism skills that will benefit them in their later careers. They will learn about resume building, elevator pitches, business cards, and much more!
  • May: Participants will learn about state opportunities within the Ohio 4-H program.
  • June (2nd Wednesday): Q& A with 4-H alumni and the opportunity to learn about several career paths.
  • June (4th Wednesday): Closing Ceremony

We would highly encourage that you share our flyer to your county social media pages. We would love to see every county represented. If you or any of your teens have questions please contact TLC Officers Avalon Havan (ava.havan@gmail.com) or Nat Kresic (natkresic@gmail.com), or TLC Advisors Kayla Oberstadt (oberstadt.1@osu.edu), Frances Foos (foos.61@osu.edu), or Sarah Longo (longo.79@osu.edu).

Flyer: Career Readiness Flyer 2021

Ohio Teen Leadership Council


Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) applications for the 2018-2019 year are now available!  Please let any interested individual know, so they may apply!  Please note, because it is only a one year term, current TLC members who wish to continue their service must re-apply.

“Applications and more information to be an Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council (TLC) member are now available online at: go.osu.edu/TLC. Please note applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation) are due (not postmarked; received!) by Friday, August 10, 2018.”

Here are some highlights about the responsibilities of the council:

  • Age: Individuals must be 14-18 as of January 1 the year of application to apply for council member, committee member, committee chair, and officer.
  • Number of Meetings/Events: See the program structure outline on the application for specific numbers of meetings and events. Members are required to attend at least 75% of meetings and events.
    • Working Events: Members are required to work a number of statewide events at the Ohio State Fair, and elsewhere throughout the state (Farm Science Review, Legislative Luncheon, etc.).  Each level of membership differs in the number of events that are required.  See the program structure for more information.
  • Location of meetings: Meetings are typically held at the Ohio 4-H Center in Columbus, Ohio, but there are occasionally instances when they are held elsewhere due to events on Ohio State’s Campus.  In these instances, meetings may be held at locations close to campus.  Refer to the application for the locations for the 2018-2019 year.  Members will be notified prior to the location change.
  • Additional Opportunities: Depending on the level of involvement, council members have the option to apply for additional opportunities including the National 4-H Conference, Ohio 4-H Foundation Board, and other opportunities that may arise.

Applications and more information for this group are now available online at: go.osu.edu/TLC.  Please note applications (and other materials, including letters of recommendation) are due (not postmarked; received!) by Friday, August 10, 2018.  We recognize this falls during some county fairs, so encourage teens to apply early!  We will accept applications as early as today! :o)  The term for selected individuals will be September 1, 2018-August 31, 2019.

If you have questions on this opportunity, please let Kayla (oberstadt.1@osu.edu) or Hannah (epley.24@osu.edu) know.

~Hannah and Kayla! :o)