Community Service Opportunity

Lisa Pfouts is looking for help to assist her during the Quilt Market Day that will be held Saturday, April 14 at the Fredericktown Elementary School.  Here are a list of services that she is requesting help with:

  • Friday, April 13, beginning at 4 pm (2-3 hours) – set up – this group would need to be someone than can lift and set up tables and chairs and can use as many as want to join in
  • Saturday, April 14th, 8 – 10 am – Carrying sewing items and boxes for vendors from cars into the school
  • Saturday, April 14th, 10 – 3 pm (10-12:30 & 12:30 – 3,  2 shifts – 2 per shift)- working in the kitchen, serving food
  • Saturday, April 14th, 3 pm – Carrying items from the school to the car for vendors
  • Saturday, April 14th, 3 pm (2-3 hours) tear down –  this group would need to be someone than can lift and tear down tables and chairs and we can us as many as want to join in.

If you or your club would be interested in helping, please contact Lisa at 740-398-7423 or by email at

– Andrea

National 4-H Service Project – WWI Memorial

The National Junior Master Gardener 4-H program has partnered with the WW1 Memorial Commission on a national service project for 4-H youth to be involved with building the WW1 Memorial. The Junior Master Gardener program is proud to promote because it ties to gardening!

Groups can make a donation of $64.99 and receive 60 poppy seed packets from the WW1 Memorial Commission. They can then sell the seeds to support their program. The recommended selling price is $2 per seed packet which would generate $120. Basically the first dollar goes to fund the National WW1 memorial and the second dollar stays local for the 4-H club, school group, etc. to support their activities/programs.

We are promoting through all of our JMG groups and state partners, but this is open for any and all 4-H groups. It is a great opportunity for youth to learn more about WW1, while also being a part of a national service project. Many resources, learning experiences and details on how to participate in the poppy project can be found at the website:

Groups can start now, but the big push is between Sept. 5 and October 20th. Representatives from 4 winning groups will be invited to experience an expense paid trip to the groundbreaking of the National WW1 Memorial in Washington DC in November.