New Idea Starter for Self-Determined Project

A new idea starter called My Stay-at-Home Summer. Full of ideas for hands-on learning, this project shows 4-H members the way . . . to contribute to the lives of those around them, to make the best of new and different situations, and to recognize these momentous times. Many thanks to author Beth Guggenbiller, Mercer County, for the fresh take and creative reminder about what it means to be in 4-H.

365.32 – My Stay at Home Summer: 365.32 My Stay-At-Home Summer

Perfect Stay-at-Home Projects

Free Downloads: Want to dig in to a 4-H project that’s a good match for staying at home? See our collection of Perfect Stay-at-Home Projects on the Ohio 4-H website at When a copy opens on your screen, you can save or print it from there.

91 Discovering 4-H (B) 409 Sew Fun (B) 496 My Favorite Things (B)
Discovering 4-H cover Sew Fun cover My Favorite Things cover
ABOUT 4-H This project book is for young first-year members and others who want to discover and explore the broad array of topics offered by 4-H. Any member in need of an easy-to-read, easy-to-use introduction to animals, health, food and nutrition, nature, insects, plants and soils, machines and tools, recreation, and clothing benefits from doing this project, which is easily completed in one year. 2018. CLOTHING AND TEXTILE SCIENCE This project will have you sewing in no time! Members of any age learn basic sewing skills with an easy introductory project—fully elastic-waisted skirt, shorts, pants, or capris. This project can be repeated it, but good next projects are 413 Sundresses and Jumpers and 419 Terrific Tops. 2017. CREATIVE AND LEISURE ARTS / COLLECTING Are you interested in creating a personal collection? Want to take a collection you already have to the next level? Learn about various types of collections, the ins and outs of the collecting process, and how to best display your items. For members of all ages. 2014.
588 The Writer in You (I) 592 Get Started in Art (X) 442 Family History Treasure Hunt (X)
The Writer in You cover Get Started in Art cover Family History Treasure Hunt cover
CREATIVE AND LEISURE ARTS / WRITING Find the motivation you need to start or continue your exploration of the art of writing. Explore why to write, where to get ideas, theme, character, plot and setting, word choice, imagery and dialogue. Keep it all in one place to create a portfolio each year. 2016. CREATIVE ARTS / FINE ARTS Explore the basic elements of visual art through activities on color, line, space, balance, and more, and then complete your own work of art. Ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, and crafts are all possibilities. Appropriate for members of all skill levels and ages. 2012. CREATIVE ARTS/GENEALOGY This  project book guides you through 6 years of activities! Discover your family history as you go on a treasure hunt for jewels of information such as interesting relatives, special events, and curious stories. The records you create will last a lifetime. 2018.
459 Let’s Start Cooking (B) 462 Yeast Breads on the Rise (A) 485 Racing the Clock to Awesome Meals (I)
Let's Start Cooking cover Yeast Breads on the Rise cover Racing the Clock to Awesome Meals cover
FOOD AND NUTRITION This project takes a fresh look at basic cooking and baking skills. You’ll learn about kitchen equipment and food prep, and how to read recipes and measure ingredients. Then you’ll tackle how to slice and dice food, and how to cook in a microwave oven, on the stove, and in a conventional oven—all while keeping safety in mind. 2015. FOOD AND NUTRITION Master the art of baking delicious yeast breads. Learn the principles of yeast bread preparation, and learn how mixing techniques and ingredients determine product character and quality. 2016. FOOD AND NUTRITION With a focus on the knowledge and skills needed to prepare quick, nutritious, low-cost meals, this project builds on basic food preparation skills so you can tackle difficult recipes while being creative with ingredients. The 7 activities and related recipes can easily be completed in one year. 2010.
359 Your Thoughts Matter (A) 405 The Laundry Project  (B) 491 It’s My Home (B)
Your Thoughts Matter cover The Laundry Project cover It's My Home cover
HEALTHY LIVING What does mental health really mean? How many people are affected by mental health issues such as anxiety and depression? Be part of the solution by learning the answers to those questions and more. Intended for advanced-level youth who are interested in learning more about mental health, why it is important to overall well-being, and steps that promote understanding and action. This project is not intended as a resource for those in crisis. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health issue, please seek adult or professional help immediately. 2018. HOME LIVING Everyone loves clean laundry but how do you do it? Learn about laundry machines and products, how to be environmentally friendly in the laundry room, and how to sort and clean laundry items. Experiment how heat affects different types of fibers too! For members of all ages with no experience in doing laundry. 2015. HOME LIVING You can be a big contributor to your household in so many ways. Why not do so AND keep your own sense of style? This project covers basic design elements, organization, upcycling, and service learning. All the activities can be done with your excellent decision making, good taste, and big heart. 2018.
375 Leadership Road Trip: Where Are You Going? (B) 376 Pantry Panic (A) 611 Explore the Outdoors (B)
Leadership Road trip cover Pantry Panic cover Explore the Outdoors cover
LEADERSHIP AND CITIZENSHIP Are you interested in learning about what it takes to become a good leader? Begin your leadership adventure by answering questions about yourself and the people close to you, by setting goals, by practicing communication, and by making a commitment to lead. Intended for youth old enough to explore the nature of leadership. 2013. LEADERSHIP AND CITIZENSHIP This advanced-level project is for community-minded youth who want to take a step back and look at “food insecurity,” an issue affecting much of the world’s population and many people right here in our own communities. Develop the skill and imagination to prepare healthful meals from ingredients you have on hand or might receive from a food pantry. Consider it a challenge! 2014. NATURAL RESOURCES This project opens your eyes to the great outdoors, so get your backpack and field guides ready. The first activity shows how to prepare for an outdoor adventure so you can explore the woodlands, fields, wetlands, and the geology of Ohio. Once you see nature with new appreciation, you’ll want to learn more! For youth of all ages interested in Ohio’s wildlife and ecosystems. 2016.
621 Ohio Birds (X) 493 Science Fun with Kitchen Chemistry (B) 540 Not Just Knots (X)
Ohio Birds cover Science Fun with Kitchen Chemistry cover Not Just Knots cover
NATURAL RESOURCES / THE NATURAL WORLD Observe and identify birds with bird feeders in your yard and on field trips to see the many benefits our feathered friends provide. This project book is intended to be used for two years. 2013. STEM/CHEMISTRY Join the Terrestrial Alien Defense Academy and figure out how to outsmart the aliens by doing experiments in your kitchen. Learn about what matter is and how it changes form; explore the different properties of matter; find out about acids and bases; and discover how everyday items and kitchen ingredients can be used in cool tests! 2014. STEM / KNOTS Learn to make 14 different simple knots, bends, and hitches. Remember what they say—practice, practice, practice! Then show what you have learned with a capstone project of your choosing. Sample capstone projects are available at 2016.
173 Horseless Horse (B) 500 Science Fun with Physics (B)
Horseless Horse cover Science Fun with Physics cover
ANIMAL SCIENCES/HORSES Learn about horses without owning one. over 20 different horse-related subjects are covered in easy-to-use worksheets. Written for the beginner but suitable for members of all ages. 2016. STEM/PHYSICS Let your inner scientist uncover the mysteries of physics at play in daily life. The amazing magician Franco Newtoni is your guide as you try each experiment. You’ll see the forces of nature, energy, and the power of physics at work–or is it magic? 2015.

Projects above are listed by code, title, and skill level. Skill levels for projects are defined as follows:
All Levels (X)—A project appropriate for all skill and age levels.
Beginning (B)—A beginning-level project for members with little or no experience in a project area, or 8 to 10 year olds.
Intermediate (I)—An intermediate-level project for members with some experience in a project area, or 11 to 13 year olds.
Advanced (A)—An advanced-level project for members with a lot of experience in a project area, or 14 or older. County fairs and the state fair often have age requirements that are different than those for project enrollment. When participating in a fair event, be sure to review the related guidelines.

Stay at home and stay healthy, 4-H’ers! (For accessible formats of these publications, visit

Knox County 4-H Updates for March 26, 2020

Well today marks a week that we have been working from home and trying to balance work and home life.  It has proved to have a few challenges but I am sure all of you are feeling those as well.  But like we had stated early on, this does not change our focus that we are here to help you and give your our support any way we can.  You are still able to call us and Sarah Chain, our newest Office Associate, will be answering the phone and directing messages to either Jana or I during our normal business hours of Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  We have our computers at home and can be reached by email.

I know there are STILL so many unanswered questions.  Jana and I received an update this week that we are having to cancel, postpone or switch things to a virtual status until May 15 now.  That also means that as volunteers you can not have face to face club meetings/horse ride-outs until that point.  We are so very sorry for this!  And unfortunately, as with everything lately, that could change again.  So many things are out of our control.  This is a mandate from the Ohio State University Extension Administrative Cabinet.  Just remember we are all in this together and all counties in Ohio are having to abide by the same mandates.

Virtual Update:  Jana, Samantha, and I decided that it might be helpful if all of you had an opportunity to talk to us virtually and ask any questions that might still not be answered for you or if you need help with trying to navigate from this point forward.  We are going to set up three Zoom sessions next week: Monday March 30 at 2 p.m., Tuesday, March 31 at 10 a.m., and Wednesday, April 1 at 6 p.m.  You will all be sent the log-in information for those sessions on Friday afternoon.

From our State 4-H Leader, Kirk Bloir: The move to virtual meetings seems to be working for many of our families, but we recognize it doesn’t work for everyone due to accessibility issues in parts of the state. We are continuing to explore options and will share more in the next few weeks. In the meantime, there are tip sheets for club leaders with options and ideas for holding virtual club meetings at; we will continue adding information to this site.

4-H Project Books:  We will not be able to do project book distribution next week due to the “Stay at Home” order from Governor DeWine.  The State 4-H Office will be sharing plans with us at the beginning of next week and how we will be able to proceed.  We do ask that you continue to prepare your book orders.  You can submit it by mailing the form, emailing it to us, or sticking it in the mailbox at the bottom of our steps at our office.  We will ask at this point that if we can move forward with this, that no individual book orders will be taken, only club orders.

4-H Enrollment: Jana and I have decided to stick to the latest Knox County 4-H Enrollment deadline of Monday, April 27 at Midnight.  Please encourage members to be working on their 4-HOnline profiles and getting that complete (we still have ~400 inactive members from last year that have not completed profiles for 2020).  If they need help, have them reach out to me and I can guide them through that process.  Also, that means we will accept new members until April 27 as well.  Club paperwork will not be due until April 27.

Quality Assurance:  Quality Assurance is still going to be a requirement for junior exhibition in 2020 per the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA).  Knox County has extended the training deadline to complete this from June 1 to July 1.  So here is our plan:

  • The two Quality Assurance sessions for April have been cancelled.
  • The two Quality Assurance sessions for May have now been cancelled.
  • We are planning on scheduling sessions in June.  Those dates will be announced at a later time.
  • Quality Assurance test-out will continued to be offered during all sessions that are face-to-face (June).
  • Other options are being explored at the state level.  I am serving on a committee that will be looking at other virtual options to help us through this unprecedented time.  We will be meeting sometime next week to develop a plan.  I will keep you posted.
  • For 2020 ONLY, ODA has allowed livestock exhibitors (ages 8-19) to utilize the YQCA online training modules to fulfill the requirements of Quality Assurance.
    • There is a cost ($12) to each exhibitor that would like to utilize this option in order to complete their certification. It is payable online by credit card after the member has successfully completed the training and test.
    • In order to gain access, please email Andrea at for her to send the instructions on how to log on and complete this process.
    • After completion, another email to Andrea will be required with the certification number in order for her to mark your Quality Assurance as complete for 2020.
    • This will only count for 2020 and there is no multi-year test-out option.

Hog Tags:  Obviously, with the April QA sessions being cancelled, the opportunity to purchase hog tags at that time has gone away.  Here is the plan to still get your hog tags and meet the appropriate deadlines:

  • Please email Andrea ( with the swine exhibitor’s name and how many hog tags that exhibitor will need by April 10.  If you have multiple exhibitors that you will be ordering for, please list each name separately and put the number of tags requested by each one.
  • The order will then be processed, tags will be placed in a baggie with the needed paperwork attached.
  • You will be able to come to the Knox County Fairgrounds on Thursday, April 16 or Monday, April 20 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to pick your order up as a drive-thru system.  You will pull up, state the last name of the order(s) being picked up, and they will be handed to you while you are still in your car.  Exact money will be required ($5 per pig) by cash or check (made payable to Knox County Agricultural Society).
  • Paperwork and pictures will be due by Friday, June 5 to the OSU Extension Office at 5 p.m. or bring to the Knox County Senior Fair Board office between 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 6.
  • If you would like to upload your pictures to 4-HOnline you can do that in your profile.  A step-by-step explanation of this process will be forth coming.

Broiler Orders:  Samantha and I talked at length yesterday and felt that it is in the best interest of everyone if we keep the established dates for Broiler Pool orders.  All members who have and will still be enrolling with the Market Chicken project will get an email directly with the order form and where to send that by the May deadline.

As always, please check our blog, Facebook, and website for continual updates.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us with questions and concerns.

Update: COVID 19 Update March 26

2019 New Member Open House & Project Fair

We will be holding our 2nd Annual New Member Open House & Project Fair to highlight the Knox County 4-H program and the 4-H projects that are available.  Please hold Saturday, February 9 from 9 a.m. to 12 Noon on your calendars for this event that will be held at the Memorial Building located at 112 E. High Street.

I will be seeking volunteers to host a variety of tables and will be seeking input on what we should offer that day.  Please share the flyer as you see appropriate.

Flyer: 2019 Open House Flyer-2nexkr5

– Andrea

Ohio 4-H Project Central

Project Central is an easy way for 4-H members and project helpers to preview Ohio 4-H project books and resources. Take a closer look at a book, find out what others have to say, and share your experiences.

See directions below, or print out them out here.

Project Central works the best when you use Firefox or Chrome web browsers!

Using Project Central is as easy as ❶, ❷, ❸, ❹ . . .

❶ Use three different options to SEARCH for projects and resources.

 FIND what you are looking for and click the arrows next to each header to sort information.

❸ Select a project or resource to LEARN about the publication. Preview sample pages and view other users’ feedback.

 RATE the publication and add your own feedback!

Visit Project Central to find projects that interest you or to rate and leave comments about ones you already know about.

2018 Knox County Quilt Show

This is a great opportunity for youth who are enrolled in one of the 4-H quilting projects.  Youth under 18 years of age can enroll their own quilt project in the Knox County Quilt Show that will be held August 10-12 in Hunter Hall on Main Street in Mount Vernon.  The top youth winner will be awarded a new Janome sewing machine.

Applications are due by July 30: Youth Quilt-1shd822


Goat Project Sign-Up Help

GOAT Projects can be confusing!

4-H advisors, we need your help! There is only 1 goat project book but there are 6 separate projects exhibitors can do!  Please double check and clarify with all goat project members in your club to make sure they are signed up for all the goat projects they want to do!

  • 135M    Market Meat or Dairy or Crossbred Goats (this is a sale animal)
  • 135BD  Breeding Meat Goats (production meat does)
  • 135BD  Breeding Dairy Goats (any breed of pure dairy or pure dairy cross)
  • 135PY  Pygmy Goat (doe and/or wether)
  • 135P    Pack Goat (this is the one that is often missed……they must register for the pack project
  • to take the pack class at fair)
  • 135C     Companion/Pet Goat – this project they do NOT exhibit at fair

* Knox County Fair does not offer Harness Goat or Fiber Goat classes.

2018 New Member Open House & Project Fair – LOCATION CHANGE

On Saturday, February 24, we will be hosting a 4-H New Member Open House & Project Fair from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.  This will be held in the conference room of the Ag Services Building located at 1025 Harcourt Road.  This is a location change to due to a scheduling conflict.  Please let those that already know of that change.  Below is a flyer to share with members and families.

2018 Open House Flyer-2iuognn

– Andrea