Recognition Reception

The annual Recognition Reception will be held November 7, 2024 at Mount Vernon Middle School, beginning at 6:30pm. We ask that you bring a dessert to share, plates, napkins, plasticware and water will be provided.

We will be celebrating still project award winners, graduating Cloverbuds, and specialty awards. This is a special night, but please dress causally. We also know that school conferences will be going on that night and understand if you need to arrive late or leave early.

Please contact the Extension office with questions by calling 740-397-0401 or emailing Lindsey, Just a reminder: office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm.

Fall recognition 2024

4-H Booth Building Sign-ups

Booth Building Sign-ups

The Booth building is the place to showcase non-livestock, or Still projects. It’s an important part of the duties for 4-H clubs to make sure projects on display are cared for, promote 4-H, and maintain the building. As an expectation to remain a club in good standing, there are sign-ups this year to booth patrol.

While we are still working on some details, the overall duties of booth patrol include:

  • Maintaining tidiness in the building
    • Sweeping, trash pick up
    • Observe Cloverbud activities (if present) in the building
  • Guarding project displays and booths
  • Assisting patrons with voting for booth awards
  • Representing a positive image of 4-H
  • Answering questions, engaging fairgoers
  • Assisting in care of the Show Share Closet (lock password)
  • Keeping count of the number of visitors to the building

Also, 4-H clubs interested in having a booth at the fair: please email Lindsey ( your intent to have a booth. If enough interest is generated, we may be to construct some booths on July 16. Otherwise, clubs having a booth may set up their booths on July 17 between 3:00-8:00pm. Clubs with booths are permitted to check in projects during set-up day, July 17. Based on JFB, the theme will be Red, White, and MOO!

Booths may be constructed around your club’s interpretation of the theme title. Electric is not available for displays/decorations. Permanent alternation of the booth area is not permitted. Any staples used are the responsibility of the club to remove!! Voting will occur Saturday-Tuesday for People’s Choice Award. Banners will be given to People’s Choice top two club booths.

Booth Patrol Sign-up Link:

Sign-ups will close July 1.

Heart of the Great Outdoors 4-H Project Day

Calling All Ohio 4-H’ers!

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) invites Ohio 4-H members to explore the state’s rich natural wonders through hands-on activities that fulfill the requirements of select project books.  4-H members will disperse throughout Alum Creek State Park to participate in workshops led by expert ODNR staff and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers volunteers.



Saturday, June 17, 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm

Flyer with more details attached: NR 4-H Project Day


  • Geology: Can You Dig It?
  • Why Trees Matter
  • Outdoor Adventurer: Beginning Fishing
  • Ohio Birds
  • Insect Adventures
  • Explore the Outdoors
  • Photography Basics
  • Get Started in Art

RSVP by scanning the QR code on the flyer or by navigating to:

If you have any questions, please contact Jordan Conner at

Premium Pick-Up, Club Packets, & Miscellaneous Projects

On September 1 from 3 to 7 p.m. will we be conducting Junior Fair Premium Pick-Up as well as Club Packet Pick-Up at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  We are requesting that each club send on representative during that time frame to pick up those items.

With the premium pick-up we will have a list of what each member will receive for easy distribution.  If you have members that went through the sale, we will also have a detailed copy of their sale slip so they know all their buyers, potential add-ons, and what deductions were made.

Club packets will be available from Jana that will have ribbons and any Farm Bureau t-shirts that were not picked up at the fair.

We still have miscellaneous projects that were displayed at the fair that still have not been picked up.  Those we will also be available that day.

2021 Miscellaneous Projects – Knox County 4-H

Miscellaneous project judging is right around the corner on June 30, 2021 from 1pm to 6pm at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  We would like to make this a seamless process and avoid a long line at the judges’ table.  We have grouped judging from clubs again in 2021; 2021 Judging Schedule.  Please come to judging during the set time, however if that does not work, we understand various circumstances.

If you are a rocket project member, you will need to contact the OSU Extension Office (740-397-0401) to schedule your time for judging on June 30 starting at 6:30 p.m. which will take place outside the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.

If you have the following projects: How Does Your Garden Grow, Edible Landscapes, or Grow Your Own Vegetables you will need to contact the OSU Extension Office (740-397-0401) to schedule your time for judging on Sunday, July 25 starting at 9 a.m. which will take place inside the Miscellaneous Project Building.

New for 2021

The re-launch of the booth building is happening in 2021.  OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development is proud of the time and effort that all youth put forth for your various miscellaneous projects in 2021.  We would like you to have a “place” to showcase your projects to a wide variety of community members, family, and friends. While we are moving away from the traditional booth layout, we are presenting the miscellaneous projects by project area.  For example, all sewing projects will be located in the same area (name tags, club names, ages, and town will still be listed on all projects). Woodworking projects in the same area, cooking, photography, so on and so forth.

The Knox Junior Leaders Club (a newly established club in 2021) has worked to create a new vison for the Miscellaneous Project Building (formerly known as the Booth Building).  We want all 4-H youth to showcase their items while protecting the integrity of all projects. We will have more hands – on interaction within the building and form a welcoming environment for community members to learn about 4-H.  ALL 4-H MEMBERS taking a MISCELLANEOUS PROJECT IN 2021 will be required to sign up for a 2-hour shift at the Miscellaneous project building (Sunday through Friday July 25 – 30th).  A sign-up sheet will be available at judging on June 30.  Parents will be able to ask questions and see the new building design.  Any youth not signed up will be assigned a time and any youth failing to show up for their time will forfeit premiums and make a $5 donation to the 4-H Planning committee. 

We are excited to see what everyone has been working on the last couple of months.  All miscellaneous/food and nutrition/clothing project judging will be done at the Ramser 4-H Activity center. See you on June 30, 2021.  Please reach out to Jana ( if you have questions or concerns.


Jana Mussard

4-H Extension Educator

2021 Knox County Turkey Pool Information

Once again, this year we will be doing a turkey pool for all turkey exhibitors.  All exhibitors will need to purchase their poults through the pool to show at the 2021 Knox County Junior Fair.  We feel this will benefit the exhibitors with all of them starting on a level playing field.

The turkey poults will need to be purchased by Friday, February 12 by 5 p.m. with the enclosed order form.  You will have to purchase at least four per exhibitor but can order more if you wish.  If we do not receive your orders by that date you will not be eligible to show turkeys at the 2021 Knox County Junior Fair.  Each poult will cost $6.00.  Please mail your order form and check made out to….

Knox County Agricultural Society

PO Box 1268

Mount Vernon, OH 43050

Pick up for the birds will be March 3 from 2 – 5 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  Be prepared by having a carrying container with some material in the bottom so the poults do not slide around.  You should also have your housing location prepared with feed, water, and a heat source ready to receive the birds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Knox County OSU Extension Office at 740-397-0401.

2021 Turkey Pool Letter