We will be conducting our 4-H Open House/Project Fair/Cloverbud Event this Saturday, March 4 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center. This is event is a trifecta. It is an open house to attract new members and families to learn more about the Knox County 4-H program. We will have all of the project books on display for members that are already a part of our program, to look through and try to find a new topic to explore on their journey this year. And if you know of new members that are going to be Cloverbuds or have current Cloverbuds, Lindsey will be doing a make and take activity on pin wheels with them that morning.
We are still looking for:
- Clubs to set up displays to attract new families to join 4-H.
- Members to set up project displays so members and families can interact with them to learn more about what goes into a 4-H project.
Please reach out if you would like more information or would like to commit to set up on Saturday.