110% Livestock Show Clinic

My name is Levi Hartschuh, a lifetime 4-H and FFA member in Crawford county, this year for my senior project through Wynford High School I am hosting a livestock show clinic. I have a strong passion for the agricultural and livestock industries, and hope to educate youth on how to make their show ring performance 110%. This clinic will be held on March 14th at Fogle’s sale pavilion in Marion Ohio. The clinic will be broken down into 3 sessions, the sessions include:

  • 10 -11:30am – Sheep & Goats
  • 11:45 – 12:15pm – Umbarger Feeds (nutrition clinic)
  • 12:30 – 2pm – Beef & Dairy Feeders & Swine

Early Registration for this event is February 26th, forms turned in by this date guarantee a t-shirt and a spot at the clinic. The registration fee is $20.00 per youth exhibitor, this fee will cover all species clinics.

Attached below is the show clinic flyer, please send this flyer out to your members to aid me in the promotion and success of my event. Any questions or concerns please let me know @ 419-617-2984 or levihartschuh@gmail.com.

Flyer: Crawford County Show Clinic

2021 Knox County Livestock Ambassador Competition

TRY #2 – We are hopeful that we will be able to move forward with our 2021 Knox County Livestock Ambassador Competition after having to cancel are inaugural year in 2020.  Sabrina Schirtzinger, our Ag/Natural Resources Educator, worked with our local commodity groups and other entities to streamline the ambassador and royalty competitions into a one day competition.  It will be held on Saturday, March 20.  Please see the attached application and guidelines.  Applications are due by 5 p.m. on March 8.  Please reach out if you have questions.

Ambassadors Flyer 2021

Ambassador Program Guidelines

Livestock Quality Assurance Reminder

Livestock Quality Assurance –three options for 2020 completion

For 2020 ONLY, YQCA Online Training: ODA has allowed livestock exhibitors (ages 8-19) to utilize the YQCA online training modules to fulfill the requirements of Quality Assurance. There is a cost ($12) to each exhibitor that would like to utilize this option in order to complete their certification. It is payable online by credit card after the member has successfully completed the training and test. In order to gain access, please email Andrea atrees.139@osu.edufor her to send the instructions on how to log on and complete this process. After completion, another email to Andrea will be required with the certification number for her to mark your Quality Assurance as complete for 2020. This will only count for 2020 and there is no multi-year test-out option.

Zoom Training Sessions: This option would allow members to register to attend an online Zoom meeting, during which QA training materials would be presented. Sessions would be limited to a total of 40 members, but we will have multiple sessions available at various times.

Livestock Quality Assurance will be offered by Zoom on the following dates:

  • Monday, May 11 –4 p.m.
  • Friday, May 15 –4 p.m.
  • Tuesday, May 19 –5 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 23 –10 a.m.
  • Wednesday, May 27 –5 p.m.
  • Tuesday, June 2 –6 p.m.
  • Thursday, June 11 –2 p.m.

Youth members will need to access the following survey: https://go.osu.edu/knoxcolivestockqareg to sign up for the session they would like. Each session will be limited to 40 members.

Livestock Quality Assurance Online Test Out: This option will be for youth that are ages 15 and older. This would be a test-out for the remainder of their 4-H/FFA career (multi-year certification) just like Andrea offers at the end of regularly attended QA session. Members would register for a test-out session and be allowed to attempt the test only one time. Should they not pass the test, they would be required to complete one of the other training options. Instructions for this option will coming soon.

Livestock Quality Assurance Test Out will be offered on the following dates:

  • Monday, June 1 –3 p.m.
  • Wednesday, June 3 –3 p.m.
  • Saturday, June 6 –10 a.m.
  • Saturday, June 6 –2 p.m.

Youth members will need to access the following survey: https://go.osu.edu/knoxcoqatestout to sign up for the session they would like. Each session will be limited to 16 members.


2019 Ohio State Fair Opportunities

There are lots of events for youth to participate in at the Ohio State Fair.  Please see the list below with links to learn more about these opportunities.

Livestock Judging Contest: Friday, July 26 (registration due July 12): https://ohio4h.org/events/ohio-state-fair-4-h-livestock-judging-contest

Avian Bowl Contest: Saturday, August 3 (registration due July 5): https://ohio4h.org/events/ohio-state-fair-4-h-avian-bowl-contest

Poultry Judging Contest: Saturday, August 3 (registration due July 5): https://ohio4h.org/events/ohio-state-fair-4-h-poultry-judging-contest

Ohio State Fair Skillathons: https://ohio4h.org/animalsciences/ohio-state-fair-skillathon-information

Flyer: 2019 OSF Skillathons Calendar-2hy323z