2020 Knox County Judging Updates

Livestock Interview Judging

  • Monday, July 13 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center
  • Monday, July 20 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center

4-H and FFA members can come anytime during those posted times.  Members need to bring their completed project book(s) and feed tag or feed ration.  During judging they will be filling out their DUNF online so make sure that they have all of the information with them to accomplish this.  They will also be receiving a packet that has updated information about items from now until fair.  They will also be receiving your wristband and back number at that time.  Advisors can pick up wristbands at that time too.

Exhibitors and judges will have to wear a mask during judging.  We will have hand sanitizing stations set up and will be cleaning between members being judged.

Clothing/Food & Nutrition/Miscellaneous Judging

  • Wednesday, July 15 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center
  • Members need to come during their clubs scheduled time.  (please refer to the blog post that has the schedule listed)
  • Requirements pages are updated: https://u.osu.edu/4hknoxcounty/requirements-pages/ 

Clothing Project Members – You will need to wear your outfit you made or change into it before being judged.

Food & Nutrition Project Members – No prepared foods are to be brought for 2020.

Exhibitors and judges will have to wear a mask during judging.  We will have hand sanitizing stations set up and will be cleaning between members being judged.

Rocket Judging

  • Wednesday, July 15 at 5:30 p.m.
  • All members who wished to have their rocket project judged need to report at 5:30 p.m. to the grassy area outside of the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.

Exhibitors and judges will have to wear a mask during judging.  We will have hand sanitizing stations set up and will be cleaning between members being judged.

Knox County OSU Extension Office is RE-OPENING!

The Knox County OSU Extension is re-opening! We are currently in the process of physically re-opening our office at 160 Columbus Road. Support staff will be in the office Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Educators will rotate days in the office to assist visitors. 4-H educators will be in the office on Tuesday and Thursday, Ag educators will be in the office on Monday and Wednesday.  The educators will be rotating Fridays.  We highly encourage you to schedule appointments with the individuals you would like to see to make sure that time is set aside for you.

There are new guidelines for entry into the office, and they are posted on the door, such as visitors must wear a mask and be symptom and exposure free, and maintain social distancing.

 Please call with any questions or to schedule your appointment: 740-397-0401.

We look forward to seeing and serving you in person again!


Knox County 4-H & Junior Fair Office Hours

After some discussion, Jana, Samantha, and Andrea felt that it might be helpful to you and your members to offer some office hours for anyone to drop in and ask those burning questions and for us to address any concerns that might be lurking.  We are going to hold one next week and another one the week after.

As always, please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to us at anytime.  We are here to support you.


Knox County 4-H Updates for April 13, 2020

Jana and I have put together some updates in a few areas that I am sure you and your families have been wondering about.  The topics that are covered are:

  • Enrollment
  • 4-H Club Meetings
  • Project Books
  • 4-H Camp
  • Still Project Judging
  • 4-H Horse Paperwork
  • Quality Assurance

More specific Junior Fair details will be forth coming once more concrete decisions are made.

Please let us know if you have questions or concerns.

Update: COVID 19 Update April 13 – KC 4-H


Opportunities from the Knox County Park District

They wanted to pass along a resource they just put together that might help get kids outside especially those with the bird or outdoor projects.  They have created a Bird ID Checklist for the 136 specie found in Wolf Run Park.  This list can be obtained through this link https://knoxcountyparks.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/WolfRunParkBirdList2020.pdf.   The parks have definitely increased in traffic but they encourage it!  Lastly they are doing a virtual challenge with their Park Mascot, Roman the Adventurous Pug, https://knoxcountyparks.org/virtual-fun-with-roman/.