The 1st Year 4-H Equine Clinic is just around the corner. I am attaching a flyer with the details for all of our 1st year equine exhibitors.
Flyer: 2018 1st Year Horse Clinic Flyer-qje01l
– Andrea
The 1st Year 4-H Equine Clinic is just around the corner. I am attaching a flyer with the details for all of our 1st year equine exhibitors.
Flyer: 2018 1st Year Horse Clinic Flyer-qje01l
– Andrea
The next EAC and Junior Fair Equine meeting this coming Tuesday, September 5 starting at 7 p.m. at the Senior Fair Board Office. During this meeting we will be asking for three things……
None of the items will be discussed unless clarification is needed. Our next scheduled meeting will be designed to tackle the issues at hand and come up with a plan to move forward for the new year.
If you are not able to be at the meeting, you can submit these items by email to and they will be shared with the group that evening.