2024 Ohio 4-H DairyPalooza

The 2024 DairyPalooza will be held April 20 at Canfield Fair in Mahoning County.  Pre-registration sheets and fees of $10 per person must be postmarked by April 5, 2024.  Registrations sent in after April 5 will be considered late, and registration fees will increase to $15 per person.  All DairyPalooza attendees – adults, youth and cloverbuds – are required to register in order to attend.

Registration begins on the day of the event at 8 a.m. Programming begins at 9 a.m. The event typically concludes by 4:00 p.m.

Flyer: Dairy Palooza Registration Form

2023 Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza

DairyPalooza registration is still available and you should reserve your spot soon to assure you get one of their souvenir t-shirts.  The registration form is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13GdLEkx2k2dkec5htxbMAT6pmKfihMeQ/view?fbclid=IwAR0Yy9ulWbrlxUitOHBFf5qEq6QVqdr6SKr_z232C4NkVpxLOKTfCxs9dYA and information is on the Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza Facebook page or contact Bonnie Ayars (ayars.5@osu.edu).

We are anxiously awaiting your response and attendance for the 2023 version of Palooza.  Remember there is QA training available and many dairy related workshop sessions.  All takes place at the Wayne County Fairgrounds Coliseum on April 22.


Ohio 4-H Livestock, Horse, & Companion Animal Project Resources

The Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences pages have several resources for our exhibitors to assist and help guide them in the project journey’s.  There are factsheets, webinars, resources, and videos for families to check out.  Below are the links for the respective pages.


2020 Ohio 4-H Dairy Palooza

For ten years, DairyPalooza has been the premier 4-H dairy event in the state of Ohio. Every April, 4-Hers from across the state travel to our event excited to learn something new. Our programs have educated hundreds of future dairy leaders, taught important life skills, and inspired youth to pursue careers in dairy.

This year, we invite you to celebrate our tenth anniversary with us! We’ll start off the morning with a state-certified Quality Assurance program for 4-H aged youth, while adults and Cloverbuds can attend tracks of sessions designed for them. In the afternoon, youth can go to breakout sessions of their choice covering a range of topics – nutrition, showmanship and fitting, reproduction, genomics and more.

Online Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7CNTBp9tz7Lffe7W_RW5i_lNJxBC3LcUfNzXIESAr-ZGT5Q/viewform

Paper Registration: 2020 Dairy Palooza Registration-Form

Group Registration and More Information: http://www.ohiodairypalooza.com/

2017 State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest

Congratulations to the following four individuals that represented Knox County at the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest in the spring.

Ella Bouton – Knox Cattle Kids                 Lucas Phillips – Knox Cattle Kids

Micah Phillips – Knox Cattle Kids             Kacie Rook – Knox Cattle Kids

This team took first place in the Junior Division.  Micah was high individual overall in Junior Division with Ella coming in as second high individual overall.  Kacie was 11th overall and Lucas was 12th overall in the Junior Division.

– Andrea