Booth Building Reminder!

Booth Building Sign-ups

The Booth building is the place to showcase non-livestock, or Still projects. It’s an important part of the duties for 4-H clubs to make sure projects on display are cared for, promote 4-H, and maintain the building. As an expectation to remain a club in good standing, there are sign-ups this year to booth patrol.

While we are still working on some details, the overall duties of booth patrol include:

  • Maintaining tidiness in the building
    • Sweeping, trash pick up
    • Observe Cloverbud activities (if present) in the building
  • Guarding project displays and booths
  • Assisting patrons with voting for booth awards
  • Representing a positive image of 4-H
  • Answering questions, engaging fairgoers
  • Assisting in care of the Show Share Closet (lock password)
  • Keeping count of the number of visitors to the building

Also, 4-H clubs interested in having a booth at the fair: please email Lindsey ( your intent to have a booth. If enough interest is generated, we may be to construct some booths on July 16. Otherwise, clubs having a booth may set up their booths on July 17 between 3:00-8:00pm. Clubs with booths are permitted to check in projects during set-up day, July 17. Based on JFB, the theme will be Red, White, and MOO!

Booths may be constructed around your club’s interpretation of the theme title. Electric is not available for displays/decorations. Permanent alternation of the booth area is not permitted. Any staples used are the responsibility of the club to remove!! Voting will occur Saturday-Tuesday for People’s Choice Award. Banners will be given to People’s Choice top two club booths.

Booth Patrol Sign-up Link:

Sign-ups will close July 10th.

Members without club booths may drop off projects for display in the booth building on Friday July 19 between 4-8pm or Saturday July 20 from 8-12noon. During drop-off times, members displaying projects will receive scored judging sheets and ribbons for their still projects. Projects will be available for pick up Saturday July 27, 8-12 noon.

Booth Building 2023- Updated

All clubs are able to sign up for a booth space this year! We encourage all clubs to reserve a space! This is how members will display their exhibits for still projects.  Let’s make our booth building an exciting place to visit! We need full booths, interesting exhibits and displays, and most important, welcoming 4-H members on patrol.

UPDATE: Clubs will not be needed for Sunday, July 16. Booth set-up night is Wednesday, July 19 from 3:00-8:00pm. During the construction time on July 19th, clubs wanting their own booths may allow members may check in projects. They must check in projects with Lindsey during that time. Clubs with booths are responsible for filling 4 hours of “booth patrol” during the week of fair. That sign-up is also below.

In order to receive the premium for a still project, it must be displayed in the booth building the entire week of fair. Still projects may be checked in Friday July 21 from 4:00-8:00pm or Saturday July 22 from 8:00am-12:00pm. No late arrivals will be accepted. **Remember: a project book is NOT an exhibit.** Cloverbuds will also have a specific booth to display any projects during the week.


Club Booth sign-up:


Booth Patrol Sign-up:


Health & Safety Speaking Opportunity for Clubs

Lynda Small with the American Red Cross Fire & Disaster Preparedness is offering her services to come and speak with our 4-H clubs about fire safety (grades K-2) or fire and tornado safety (grades 3-5).

Here are more details:

  • The K-2 lesson emphasis the importance of smoke alarms and other fire safety information through a fun character by the name of Pedro the Penguin.  Each child will receive a take home “story book” featuring Pedro.  This is an approximate 30 minute presentation.
  • The 3-5 lesson is called the Pillowcase Project.  The emphasis in this lesson is fire safety as well as tornado preparedness.  Each student will receive a pillow case and learn what items to place in it prior to an event where the family may need to evacuate.  The students have fun decorating the pillowcase with fabric markers.  This is an approximate 60 minute presentation.

If this is something that your club might be interested in please reach out to Lynda directly at 740-398-4112 or by email at

Knox County Beekeepers Association Kids Club

The Knox County Beekeepers Association is looking to start a kids club.  They will be holding their informational meeting on Tuesday, March, 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  This meeting will help you and your family see how the KCBA’s Kids Club Program can help your children learn how to become successful beekeepers for a lifetime while fulfilling the 4H project requirements as outlined in publication 4-H 641. Even if you think now is not the best time for your family to get into beekeeping you’ll want to come hear about the fascinating world of honey bees.  We’ll be discussing what it takes to get into beekeeping and what the bees are really up against as they try to survive from one year to the next. We’ll also be talking about our KCBA Youth in Beekeeping Scholarship Program that helps new beekeepers with the initial costs of becoming a beekeeper.  So please come join us for an evening of enlightenment. Bring the kids. Bring lots of questions!

Flyer: 20230307 Please Join Us

Speak Up, Speak Out! SPIN Club Opportunity

Speak Up, Speak Out! is a virtual 4-H SPecialINterest(SPIN) Club for youth Grades 6-12, who want to improve their public speaking skills and overcome their fear.  Participants will learn basic speaking skills and the importance of effective verbal and non-verbal communication.

  • When: Tuesdays –January 10, 17, 24, 31 and February 7, 21
  • Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm
  • Location: Online via Zoom
  • Cost: Free!

Register at:

Flyer: Speak Up Speak Out

Making the Best 4-H Clubs Better Curriculum

4-H volunteers are great at making the best better and we’ve provided a great tool to help with club meetings.  This is a collection of 30 ready-to-use lessons, handouts and resources to help advisors strengthen their club in just 20 minutes.  Lessons will develop members’ communication and leadership skills along with making the best 4-H clubs better.  Most lessons have an in-person and virtual plan for flexibility in conducting the activities during your club meetings.

Please visit for access to the lesson plans.

Please visit for a virtual component overview: 

Grab & Go Club Meeting Toolkit

The Ohio 4-H Grab & Go Club Meeting Toolkit provides 4-H volunteers and teen leaders with seven (7) club meeting agendas to help plan for the 4-H year. Each agenda is two pages. The first page provides an overview of the topic, a sample agenda and resources to put ideas into action. The second page provides in-depth explanations and specific strategies.

Agenda Title Pages
#1: Family Meeting Kick-Off
#2: Icebreakers/Team Building
#3: Election of Officers
#4: Public Speaking Activities
#5: Educational Programs
#6: Planning Club Fundraisers
#7: End of Year Review

Each agenda highlights how to adapt in-person 4-H activities to a virtual setting.  Clubs may discover creative solutions that remain part of their club tradition for years to come. Visit Ohio 4-H’s Stay Connected page for more resources.  Each agenda highlights strategies for including Cloverbuds in developmentally appropriate, non-competitive club activities. A variety of Cloverbud-specific activity
resources are also available on the Ohio 4-H webpage For Cloverbud Leaders.

Healthy Body, Healthy Minds SPIN Club

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind SPIN Club will be held on Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 pm on January 19, 26 February 2,9,16 and 23

Join 4-Hers from across the state as we learn fun ways to keep our body and mind healthy. Yoga for Kids, games, activities and more all in the comfort of your home and in our virtual SPIN club setting.

  • Location: Zoom
  • Cost: Free to join, some supplies will be suggested for activities.
  • Details: Open to all 4-H Aged youth 8-18.
  • Register at:
  • Register by January 14 to join in!

Flyer: Healthy Mind and Body flyer

Presented by: 4-H Professionals: Frances Foos, Lori Now, Amanda Raines, and Cassie Turner

New Year, New You: Making YOUR Best Better SPIN Club

Greetings 4-H Youth and Parents,

January starts a new year, let’s make a new you.  We are excited to offer New Year, New You: Making YOUR Best Better (targeted at youth in 5th-8th Grades).  We will tackle topics that will help you be informed to make the best choices for the best you.  You will receive a fun swag bag in the mail when you sign up that contains items that relate to the weekly topics.  Each week we will have guest speaker(s), activities, and time to talk with other youth when we meet for about an hour.

You are invited to join New Year, New You: Making YOUR Best Better series being held on Sundays February 7 – March 14. These sessions will be held virtually on ZOOM from 7:00 – 8:15 p.m.  The attached flyer provides a brief description and information on how to register. More information will be given to youth once registered.

Weekly session topics:

  • February 7          New Year, New You, and the Awesome Things You Can Do!
  • February 14        Boys, Girls, Crushes and Feelings…Oh My! What’s Appropriate, Safety & Etiquette.
  • February 21        TikTok, Snapchat, Insta are They Just Fun?   Seriously is Human Trafficking a Thing?
  • February 28        Work’n for a Live’n…jobs, image, and beyond.
  • March 7               What’s up with Vaping, Marijuana, and Alcohol?
  • March 14             New Year, Healthy You! Be Your Best Physically, Mentally and Emotionally

Hurry to register! Spots and swag bags are limited.  Participants will receive up to $40 worth of fun, useful swag items.   To register go to  Registration deadline is January 15!!

Parent/guardian note: Are you convinced this is a good activity, but your child isn’t sold?  May we suggest a conversation where you express these are important topics for your child to learn more about and you set a family goal with an incentive for him/her to participate.

Can’t wait to see you in 2021!!

Poultry 4-H SPIN Club

We invite youth ages 8-18 to learn about all things poultry! Sessions will cover breeds, basic knowledge, housing, equipment, handing, showmanship, common health concerns, biosecurity, and nutrition. We will take a virtual field trip, learn about careers, and marketing in the poultry industry. The club will meet Mondays and Wednesdays starting on Monday, June 8th – Wednesday, July 1st at 1pm. The cost is free and location is from the comfort of your own home/computer. To register go to Once registered, participants will receive a zoom link for the sessions. Space is limited, and there is no time to waste!

Flyer: Poultry SPIN Flyer