Knox County Beekeepers Association Kids Club

The Knox County Beekeepers Association is looking to start a kids club.  They will be holding their informational meeting on Tuesday, March, 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center.  This meeting will help you and your family see how the KCBA’s Kids Club Program can help your children learn how to become successful beekeepers for a lifetime while fulfilling the 4H project requirements as outlined in publication 4-H 641. Even if you think now is not the best time for your family to get into beekeeping you’ll want to come hear about the fascinating world of honey bees.  We’ll be discussing what it takes to get into beekeeping and what the bees are really up against as they try to survive from one year to the next. We’ll also be talking about our KCBA Youth in Beekeeping Scholarship Program that helps new beekeepers with the initial costs of becoming a beekeeper.  So please come join us for an evening of enlightenment. Bring the kids. Bring lots of questions!

Flyer: 20230307 Please Join Us

2020 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition

2020 Essay Topic: Overwintering: Bee Survival through the Cold Season

Honey bees have developed special skills to overwinter in the United States. Please discuss one of these skills and then include a discussion about what you do to prepare your hives for winter. Include a photo of one of your hives, either using infrared technology or showing winter wrap, hay bales, special feeders, etc. to demonstrate how you prepare your hives for winter.

Submission Deadline: April 1, 2020

Please visit for the full details.

Call for entries:

From: Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees

Contact: Molly Sausaman, Executive Director, 404-760-2875,

The Ohio State Beekeepers Association renews the 4-H Partnership Program for 2018

After a successful inaugural 2015 OSBA 4-H Partnership program, Ohio State Beekeepers Association has renewed and refreshed the program for the 2018 beekeeping and 4-H season. For 2018, OSBA will selectively sponsor five 4-H members across Ohio by providing the basic woodenware and toolkits to establish 2 complete hives.

By partnering OSBA, Extension 4-H staff, and local beekeeping organizations with the 4-H members undertaking the beekeeping project, the program supports and encourages young beekeepers by providing experienced practical support and reducing the expenses required to get started in beekeeping. Ideally, active participation of key players, including the student, his/her guardian, 4-H advisor, local association and a mentor will significantly increase the likelihood of success of the 4-H beekeeper through experiential learning.  Local beekeeping associations who participate gain visibility to a new and vital audience and increase positive community involvement of the “next generation” of beekeepers.

While the attached document explains the program guidelines in detail, here is a quick overview

Selection Criteria

  1. Youth must be between the ages of 12 and 18 by January 1st of the scholarship year, be a member of 4-H, and enrolled in public, private or home school.
  2. Applicant must complete and return the application by November 21, 2017.

Selection Process

  1. The selection committee will carefully consider each candidate and select finalists.
  2. The OSBA 4H Beekeeping Partnership Program Scholars will be announced by January 6, 2018

The selected Partnership Program Scholars will receive:

  1. Woodenware  and tools for two hives (see attached document):1 year free membership to OSBA, with electronic newsletter
  2. Free attendance to the OSBA Fall Convention (including 2 guests).
  3. OSBA Beekeeper Training DVD
  4. OSBA Apiary Diagnostic Kit

 The Sponsoring Local Association will be expected to:

  1. Provide membership and mentorship
  2. Provide beginner beekeeping training
  3. Help find a source for purchasing bees

The Partnership Program Scholar will be expected to:

  1. Provide bees for the two colonies
  2. Attend and successfully complete the agreed upon Beginning Beekeeping Classes.
  3. Keep a written record of the 2018 beekeeping experience.
  4. Provide a quarterly update for the OSBA newsletter
  5. Present a final report to the membership at the OSBA Annual Meeting on November 3, 2018.

A Certificate of Completion and full ownership of the colony and the equipment will be presented at the OSBA Annual Meeting upon successful completion of the program criteria and positive evaluation by sponsoring association.

For additional information, questions or comments see the OSBA website at or contact us at or call 567-703-6722.

OSBA looks forward to working with 4-H and local beekeeping associations to help nurture our next generation of beekeepers.


OSBA 4-H Partnership Committee

– Andrea