4-H volunteers/4-H families can access it on the Ohio 4-H website (https://ohio4h.org/ > Volunteers > Club Leaders > Finances > at the top of the page titled, “Ohio 4-H Club/Affiliate Financial Guidance”). The direct link to the webpage, where you can access the document is here: https://ohio4h.org/volunteers/volunteers/club-leaders/finances.
The document covers a variety of items including:
- why the guidance is necessary,
- why clubs should have funds,
- financial timeline,
- managing funds,
- starting a new club’s funds,
- maintaining finds (including the requirements vs. best practice/recommended),
- when to raise funds,
- acceptable fundraisers,
- determining how to spend funds (including acceptable ways to spend funds and prohibited ways to spend funds),
- thank you notes,
- concerns about a 4-H group’s finances, and
- the time commitment to manage funds.