We are so excited for Knolmes 4-H camp! This years theme will be Knolmes Circus Camp. We will be offering an overnight camp for Knox and Holmes County 4-H members. We will be having campers arrive to Camp Ohio same as last year on Monday, June 6th with set arrival time and campers will depart on Thursday, June 9th with a set pick up time. The drop off and pick up details will be explained more in upcoming info but plan on the same as last year.
If you plan to apply for an Early Bird Registration they are due by May 6th to the Knox County OSU Extension Office. If you plan to apply for a camp scholarship they are due with a $20 commitment fee May 6th to the Knox County OSU Extension Office. No camp registration will be accepted after May 19, 2022. No refunds will be given after May 19th, and partial refunds on a case by case basis will be evaluated prior to May 19th if needed.
This year after camp registration has been collected you will be sent VIA EMAIL your camp packets and link to pick the campers Pick and Choose sessions. Please watch your emails and let Janessa (hill.1357@osu.edu) know if you have any questions!
Registration Packet:2022 Camp Registration Packet