What is a 4-H Sunflower SPIN Club?
- It’s a SPecial INterest club focusing on everything about sunflowers, from planting to harvesting.
Who can join?
- All youth ages 9 or in 3rd grade to 18.
What’s the cost?
- There is no cost to join.
When and Where do we meet?
- The first meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 12, from 7:00-8:00pm, at the Ramser 4-H Activity Center, 700 Perimeter Dr., Mt. Vernon (adjacent to the Knox Co. Fairgrounds).
Do I need to register to attend the first meeting?
- It would be helpful to know the number of people interested in learning more about this SPIN Club.
- Please contact one of the advisors prior to the meeting to let us know if you plan to be there:
- Lucinda Miller, lbm.78@yahoo.com, 740.708.0359
- Ron Doup, ronsfj11@yahoo.com, 740.507.4982